Approval - April 2022
Council has approved a development for a child care centre and a cafe, at 444-454 Waverley Road, Mount Waverley.
Council sought community feedback on the proposal and received 17 objections including a petition containing 329 signatures.
The proposal was approved subject to more than 45 conditions.
For more information, see the report(PDF, 598KB) Council considered prior to making its decision.
Enquiries: Jeanny Lui, Principal Planner, on 9518 3494.
Council sought community feedback on a proposal for the development of a child care centre and a café, at 444-454 Waverley Road Mount Waverley.
The development will involve the construction of a part double and part single storey building with basement car park, a café and pedestrian connections to the Scotchman’s Creek trail.
Feedback formally sought by Monday 20 December 2021.
About the proposal

The applicant, Mount Waverley Childcare Pty Ltd proposed a $10.5 million development which is detailed as follows:
- The main building comprises a part single storey and part double storey built form.
- The double storey built form will have a maximum building height of 9.235 metres.
- The basement car park will be accessed via the existing crossover from Anthony Drive (near the corner of Waverley Road), which is proposed to be widened.
- A total of 46 car parking spaces are proposed within the basement car park.
- The child care centre will accommodate a maximum of 184 children.
- Pedestrian access to the child care centre and the café will be adjacent to the vehicle entrance from Anthony Drive.
- Two additional playrooms are proposed at ground floor level separate from the main building, along with a range of external play spaces and courtyards.
- No outdoor play space is provided on the first floor level.
- The café is proposed at the ground floor and a rooftop seating area at first floor level. The café will have a leasable floor area of 148 square metres.
- Proposed operating hours:
Child care centre: Monday to Friday - 6am-7pm.
Café (ground floor): Monday to Friday - 6am-7pm, Saturday and Sunday - 7am-4pm.
Café (roof top seating area): Monday to Friday - 7am-6pm; Saturday - 7am-4pm, Sunday - 9am-4pm.
- A total of 11 existing trees to be removed.
Planning documents
Here are the documents that have been submitted by the applicant:
Certificate of Title(PDF, 3MB)
Survey Plan(PDF, 2MB)
Development & Shadow Plans(PDF, 119MB)
Landscape Plan(PDF, 6MB)
Arborist Report(PDF, 5MB)
Biodiversity Assessment(PDF, 8MB)
Town Planning Report(PDF, 7MB)
Traffic Report(PDF, 15MB)
Acoustic Report(PDF, 11MB)
Storm Report(PDF, 222KB)
Cultural Heritage Management Plan(PDF, 13MB)
Cultural Heritage Management Plan Updated Letter(PDF, 1MB)
Waste Management Plan(PDF, 11MB)