At its meeting of 22 February 2022, Council resolved to support the amendment to the permit at VCAT.
For more information, read the report that Council considered prior to making its decision: Report to Council meeting - 22 February 2022(PDF, 569KB)
VCAT 87A application
An 87A application to amend the Permit and endorsed Plans has been lodged with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).
The application is seeking to amend the permit issued on 8 November 2017 for the development of residential apartments and town houses.
The applicant has applied directly to VCAT to amend the endorsed plans associated with the apartment building which is included in Stage 3 of the development. The amendments are being advertised at the direction of the Tribunal with notification commencing 16 November 2021.
Anyone wishing to become a party to the VCAT hearing must complete a Statement of Grounds online at www.vcat.vic.gov.au/respondplanning and give a copy to Council and the applicant by Thursday 2 December 2021.
Specifically the requested changes are to:
- Increase in the number of apartments from 93 to 123. The design will maintain the podium presentation at lower, upper ground and first floor level and provide two towers each with seven floors.
- Increase and variation in building envelope at all levels with modification to setbacks, design and appearance of the building including materials and finishes.
- Increase the number of car parking spaces from 119 to 157 including 42 spaces within stackers.
- Consequential changes to site layout including landscaping, and location of communal open space.
- Consequential modification to some permit conditions.
All proposed changes are outlined in the attached documents:
Existing Endorsed Plans - Apartment Building(PDF, 61MB)
Existing Endorsed Plans - Town Houses(PDF, 92MB)
Existing Planning Permit(PDF, 7MB)
Amended Site Analysis(PDF, 33MB)
Amended Town Planning Report(PDF, 8MB)
Amended Waste Management Plan(PDF, 9MB)
Amended Apartment Layout(PDF, 12MB)
Certificate of Title(PDF, 2MB)
Amended Acoustic Report(PDF, 9MB)
Amended Landscape Plans(PDF, 39MB)
Amended Plans and Elevations(PDF, 51MB)
Amended Shadow Diagrams(PDF, 11MB)
Section 87A Application for Review(PDF, 2MB)
Amended Traffic Report(PDF, 15MB)
VCAT Order(DOCX, 102KB)
Enquiries: Anne Maree Roberts, Senior Statutory Planner, on 9518 3658.
VCAT Approval
The Applicant and Council resolved to consent to the proposed changes subject to conditions, and an amended Permit was issued.
For more information, see: VCAT decision on 149 Hansworth Street, Mulgrave(DOCX, 96KB)
VCAT Application
An 87A application to amend the Permit and Plans was lodged with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The proposal sought to stage the development and amend the Permit to achieve this.
At its meeting on Tuesday 30 March 2021, Council resolved to support the application for an amendment at the VCAT hearing. For more information, read the report that Council considered prior to making its decision: Council report on 149 Hansworth Street, Mulgrave(PDF, 770KB)
The application also proposed to make changes to the townhouses within the development, including:
- The number of townhouses reduced by 2 (total of 28)
- Townhouses 10, 16, 17 and 20 reduced from 3 storey to 2 storey
- Townhouses within the central area reduced from 3 storey to 2 storey, with traditional ground floor open space areas (previously balcony areas)
- Various changes to setbacks to adjoining properties
- Relocation of visitor car spaces
All proposed changes are outlined within the attached documentation:
149 Hansworth Street - Advertised Certificate of Title(PDF, 109KB)
149 Hansworth Street - Advertised Development Plans(PDF, 26MB)
149 Hansworth Street - Advertised Landscape Plans(PDF, 10MB)
149 Hansworth Street - Advertised List of Changes(PDF, 30KB)
149 Hansworth Street - Advertised Section 87A Application for Review Form(PDF, 352KB)
149 Hansworth Street - Advertised Submission for Application(PDF, 445KB)
149 Hansworth Street - Advertised Track Changes Permit(PDF, 302KB)
More information: 149 Hansworth Street - Advertised Copy of Tribunal Order(PDF, 399KB)
In August 2016, Council rejected the proposed development at 149 Hansworth Street. Council had sought community feedback on the proposal and received 79 objections and one petition with 35 signatories.
A developer has appealed to VCAT after Council refused a proposal for residential towers (ranging from 6-10 storeys) in Hansworth Street, Mulgrave.
The VCAT hearing has been scheduled to take place over three days, starting on 26 June 2017. The hearing was not completed during this time and VCAT has scheduled a Day 4 hearing for August 2017 to continue to hear this case.
More information: 149 Hansworth Street, Mulgrave