Proposed development at 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley

Was on display until 01 August 2022, 12:00 AM

  • Application numberTPA/50168/B
  • StatusComplete
  • DecisionApproved
  • Decision date27 September 2022

73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley 3150  View Map

Update - September 2022

In September 2022, Council approved a proposal to amend the existing planning permit to allow a development and use of the land for a seven (7) storey building comprising food and drink premises and offices, at 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley.

Council sought community feedback on the amendment application and did not receive any objections.

For more information, see the report(PDF, 393KB) and plans(PDF, 6MB) Council considered prior to making its decision.

Enquiries: Jeanny Lui, Principal Planner, on 9518 3494.  

About the Proposal

Council sought community feedback on the application to amend the existing Planning Permit TPA/50168 pursuant to Section 72 of the Planning and Environmental Act 1987 at 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley.

Feedback was formally sought by 1 August 2022. 

The application sought to amend the plans as follows:

  • Modification and change of use of level 5 from office to food and drink premises
  • Construction of a part level with open terrace on level 6 for the purpose of a food and drink premises (rooftop bar)
  • Reduction of the car parking requirement for the additional floor areas

Planning documents

Here are the documents that were submitted by the applicant:

Certificate of Title(PDF, 451KB)

Proposed Amended Plans(PDF, 2MB)

Town Planning Report(PDF, 2MB)

Traffic Assessment(PDF, 908KB)

VCAT Approval

Council is disappointed with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal's (VCAT) decision to grant a planning permit for development and use of land for a 6-storey building (plus basement) comprising food and drink premises and offices, and a reduction in the car parking requirement to zero, at 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley.

The applicant submitted amended plans to VCAT prior to the VCAT hearing. Council maintained its position of not supporting the proposed development throughout the VCAT process. 

You can view VCAT's decision and conditions here: VCAT Decision on 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley(DOCX, 796KB) 

VCAT Amended Plans - March 2020

Amended plans were circulated as part of the developer's appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on a proposal at 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley.

These plans were considered at a VCAT hearing. 

The key changes in the amended plans were:

  • Level 2 changed from ‘entertainment’ to ‘office’ use.
  • Level 3 changed from ‘entertainment’ to ‘food and drink premises’ use.
  • The floor areas of all levels slightly changed.
  • The floor to floor height of levels 1 to 5 reduced by 0.1 to 0.9m.
  • The maximum building height reduced from 26.2 to 24.3m.
  • Levels 3 to 5 rear setback to the laneway reduced from 1m to zero.
  • Services and storage areas added on the plans.
  • Number of car parks required for the development reduced from 56 to 34 car parking spaces, however the proposal provides no onsite car parking.

Council’s position on this amended proposal remained unchanged. Council argued against the proposed development plan at the VCAT hearing.

Please find below the application documents that were submitted by the applicant:

Amended Plans(PDF, 14MB)

Form A(PDF, 134KB)

Statement of Changes(PDF, 156KB)


Council refused a proposal for a 6-storey development for mixed commercial uses at 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley. 

The applicant proposed a $5 million development comprising restaurants, place of assembly and offices, and reduction in the car parking requirement to zero.

Council sought community feedback on the proposal and received four objections. 

At its October 2019 meeting, Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to Refuse to Grant a Planning Permit on the following grounds:

  • The proposal does not satisfy the design guidelines of the Design and Development Overlay Schedule 12 in relation to building height, and activated laneways.
  • The dominant upper form (the tower) that eclipses the lower base (the podium) is inconsistent with the built form expected in the Glen Waverley Major Activity Centre Structure Plan.
  • The design response does not demonstrate architectural excellence envisaged in the Glen Waverley Major Activity Centre Structure Plan.
  • The design does not maintain a human scale to the public realm and retain the fine-grain character of Kingsway.
  • The proposal fails to satisfy the purpose of Clause 52.06 of the Monash Planning Scheme in relation to the provision of appropriate on site car parking spaces, safety and traffic movement in the area.
  • The proposal will have a detrimental impact to the amenity of the locality.
  • The proposal is considered to be an inappropriate design response.

For more information, see the report Council considered prior to making its decision: Report to Council meeting on 73-75 Kingsway, Glen Waverley(PDF, 640KB)