Council sounght community feedback on the design plans for a shared path upgrade on the Scotchmans Creek Trail until Sunday 28 February 2021.
The Scotchmans Creek Trail Upgrade Project is supported by the Victorian Government. The project will make improvements to the Scotchmans Creek Trail from Huntingdale Road to Kevin Street, Mount Waverley.
The existing narrow asphalt shared path in this area is no longer suitable for the number of people walking and cycling and needs to be upgraded.
This upgrade of Scotchmans Creek Trail is part of Council’s ongoing Walking and Cycling Strategy Program to improve safety and accessibility for shared path users. Melbourne Water has approved the proposed alignment which will generally be located within their land.
The proposed path alignment will remove the existing tight bends and shift the path to a more accessible and manageable location.
The works will include:
- Construction of a 3m wide path to a similar standard as the recently completed section between Kevin Street and 87 Osborne Avenue.
- A new bicycle repair station.
- Associated line marking and signage.
- Removal of 2 dead trees to allow for the alignment of the new path. As part of Melbourne Water’s requirements, the tree trunks will be incorporated within the Melbourne Water reserve.
Access to properties will be maintained throughout the works, which are expected to take 4 weeks to complete.
Council is in the process of finalising the design plans and anticipate starting the works in March 2021.
We look forward to creating a trail that is more welcoming and accessible for the local community.
Here are the current design plans:
Scotchmans Creek Shared Path Construction - Sheet 1(PDF, 344KB)
Scotchmans Creek Shared Path Construction - Sheet 2(PDF, 521KB)
Scotchmans Creek Shared Path Construction - Sheet 3(PDF, 483KB)
More information
Sandra Worsnop
Senior Sustainable Transport Engineer
Phone: 9518 3226
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