445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley

Submissions closed on 23 December 2019, 12:00 AM

445-467 blackburn road bruce county

Update - Approved Proposal March 2020 

Council has approved an application for a multi-level building, comprising of a retirement village and a child care centre at 445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley. 

Council sought community feedback on the application and received 6 objections. 

The development was approved subject to more than 30 conditions. 

To find out more, please see the report Council considered prior to making its decision: Report to Council meeting on 445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley(PDF, 677KB)

Amended plans 

The application was previously advertised between Monday 2 December 2019 and 23 December 2019 for the construction of a multi-level building for the use of a retirement village and Child Care Centre at 445- 467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley.

Amended plans were lodged to Council after public notification to address the concerns raised by Council officers.

Please view the amended plans here:

Amended Plan(PDF, 25MB)

Amended Landscape Plan(PDF, 8MB)


The key changes of the amended plans are:

  • Finished floor levels of the foyer, lounge and resident club on lower ground level  increased by 430mm to reduce the level difference between pedestrian footpath and the foyer area from 930mm to 500mm and allow for a gentler ramp down from the footpath to the building.
  • The loading bay and turning area adjacent the driveway deleted and replaced with an extended plant room to provide bicycle parking spaces and services outside of the front setback area, and additional landscaping.
  • Finished floor levels of all levels at the north-western corner of the building increased by 300mm; and consequential increased in overall building height of that section of the building by 300mm.Additional staircases added within the building due to the level differences.
  • The upper ground level layout rearranged to provide a void of two storey high above the foyer.
  • Setback to the western property boundary increased to 3 metres to allow for additional landscaping.
  • Details of acoustic fencing along western boundary.

Enquiries: Jeanny Lui, Principal Planner on 9518 3494.


Council sought community feedback on the proposed development of a Retirement Village and Child Care Centre at 445-467 Blackburn Road in Mount Waverley (currently occupied by the Bruce County Hotel and Conference Centre), until Monday 23 December 2019.

An application has been received by Council for construction of a multi-level building (up to seven storeys with two levels of basement) which consists of a retirement village and a child care centre. The proposed development includes the demolition of the existing hotel and construction of a building comprising:

  • A total of 186 Independent Living Units (retirement village apartments) comprising one, two and three bedroom units, and associated facilities including swimming pool, residents lounge, gym, cinema and yoga facilities.
  • A child care centre located on level 3 of the building which will accommodate a maximum of 80 children. The centre will operate 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday.
  • A total of 252 car parking spaces to be provided within two basement levels for the retirement village and the child care centre. The car parking provision exceeds the requirement in the Monash Planning Scheme.
  • Vehicle access to the new development will be via a new vehicle crossing in Lemont Avenue. The existing vehicle crossing will be removed.

Plans and other documents

Application(PDF, 654KB)

Arboricultural Report(PDF, 9MB)

Certificate of Title(PDF, 317KB)

Clause 58 Assessment(PDF, 1MB)

Proposed Plans Elevations(PDF, 12MB)

Sections and 3D Plans(PDF, 5MB)

Shadow Plan(PDF, 9MB)

Site Plans Design Response Plans Elevations(PDF, 35MB)

Swept Paths(PDF, 14MB)

Town Planning Report(PDF, 76MB)

Advertising Traffic Impact Report(PDF, 6MB)

Vegetation Removal and Landscape Plans(PDF, 9MB)

Background information

Update 2018 - VCAT decision

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) has upheld Council's decision to refuse an application for the construction of a building of up to 10 storeys (plus basements) at 445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley. 

The proposed development comprised of dwellings, retirement village, child care centre, hotel (with ancillary restaurant, conference and wellbeing centre) and associated car parking. 

VCAT affirmed Council's position that the building scale was excessive given the context and did not respond to built form and landscaping policy applicable to the land. The proposed buildings did not provide for sufficient setback to Blackburn Road, landscaping opportunity, appropriate building height or massing breaks having regard to the surrounding neighbourhood. 

View VCAT's full decision here: VCAT decision on 445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley.(DOCX, 1MB)

Enquiries: James Heitmann, Principal Planner, on 9518 3628.

VCAT appeal

A developer appealed to VCAT after Council refused a proposal in January 2018 for a 10 storey building comprising hotel, retirement village, child care centre, medical centre and food and drink premises, at 445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley. 

Following a VCAT Compulsory Conference on Tuesday 3 July 2018, the applicant lodged amended plans with VCAT. The amended plans were considered by VCAT at a four-day Merits Hearing which commenced on Monday 20 August 2018. The amended plans, statement of changes and other supporting documents are available below. 

Amended plans

Summary of the key changes to the proposal:

  • Deletion of 47 apartments 
  • Provision of 15 townhouses (previously 10 townhouses)
  • Provision of 86 hotel rooms (previously 120 hotel rooms)
  • Provision of 8 serviced apartments (unchanged) 
  • Provision of 108 independent living units/over 55s retirement living (previously 60 independent living units)
  • Provision of 246 on-site car spaces (previously 135) including an additional level of basement car parking 
  • Childcare centre relocated to level 3 (previously located on level 4)
  • Modification to the layout of the development 
  • Modification to the proposed facade treatment and facade detailing. 

Here are the documents that have been submitted as part of the amended plans:

Statement of Changes(PDF, 313KB)

Notice of Amendment(PDF, 234KB)

Amended Plans(PDF, 50MB)

Additional Information(PDF, 3MB)


Council sought community feedback on the proposal and received 23 objections. 

 At its meeting on Tuesday 30 January 2018, Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to Refuse to Grant a Planning Permit on the following grounds: 

  • The proposal is inconsistent with the Residential Development Policy and Residential Development and Character Policy at Clauses 21.04 and 22.01 of the Monash Planning Scheme 
  • The proposal is not consistent with the objectives, strategies and urban design principles of Clause 15.01 of the Monash Planning Scheme 
  • The proposal is out of character with the existing development in the surrounding area 
  • The proposed scale and form of the development is excessive and unjustified 
  • The proposal would have a poor level of internal amenity for future residents 
  • The proposal would have a detrimental impact on the amenity of surrounding land 
  • The proposal is considered an overdevelopment of the land 
  • The proposal does not provide for sufficient car parking 
  • The application does not provide for sufficient bicycle facilities 
  • The proposed land use is inadequately justified and inappropriate having regard to the proper and orderly planning of the area 
  • The proposal does not satisfy the requirements of VicRoads. 

For more information, see the report which Council considered before making its decision: Report to Council meeting on 445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley(PDF, 704KB)

About the proposal

The land at 445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley, is currently occupied by the Bruce County Hotel and Conference Centre. The proposed development site is located close to the Pinewood Shopping Centre. The proposal included demolition of the existing hotel. 

The applicant, Bc Mount Waverley Project Pty Ltd, proposed a development that includes:

  • Demolition of the existing hotel
  • Construction of a mixed use building comprising a total of 120 hotel rooms, 10 townhouses, 47 residential apartments, 8 serviced apartments, child care centre with maximum 140 children, allied health facility/ medical centre with 12 practitioners, 60 independent living units - retirement village, food and drink premises and a convenience shop
  • A total of 135 car parking spaces to be provided within one basement level
  • Vehicle access to the new development via a new vehicle crossing in Lemont Avenue.

Planning documents

Here are documents that have been submitted by the applicant:

Application for a planning permit(PDF, 558KB)

Planning Report: Urban Context Report and Design Response(PDF, 2MB)

Plans: Part 1 (Location, Site Analysis, Site Plan, Demolition/Surveying)(PDF, 8MB)

Plans: Part 2 (Floor Plans)(PDF, 9MB)

Plans: Part 3 (Elevations, Typical Apartments, Shadow Diagrams)(PDF, 7MB)

Plans: Part 4 (Artists Impressions)(PDF, 8MB)

Landscape Plan(PDF, 3MB)

Arboricultural Assessment(PDF, 5MB)

Sustainability Management Plan(PDF, 6MB)

Traffic Report(PDF, 1MB)



Certificate of Title(PDF, 3MB)



445-467 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley 3149  View Map

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