Notting Hill Neighbourhood Walking Loop (Walking Track)

Samada Street Playspace

With 2 tracks to choose from, the Notting Hill Neighbourhood Walking Loop caters for both shorter and longer walks.

Delivered by Monash Council, the loop includes directional footpath stickers and extra seats.

Take a leisurely stroll around this pocket of Notting Hill, and take in the parks and friendly community gathering areas. These include:

The loop aims to help residents of different ages stay active by participating in the social and physical benefits of walking, at their own pace.

Walking groups

To ask about local walking groups, contact Notting Hill Neighbourhood House:

Walking loop details

Distance: 1km (shorter loop) and 2km (longer loop)

Time: 10-30 minutes

Level of difficulty:  Easy - Suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Walking tracks are generally flat, on footpaths or well-established laneways.

Disability access:  Medium - Some uneven and unmade surfaces, medium to steep hills, and several road crossings.

Public transport:  Bus to the corner of Ferntree Gully Road and Westerfield Drive.


24 Samada Street (start), Notting Hill 3168  View Map

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