Huntingdale Precinct Plan

Implementation of Precinct Plan

At its meeting on 28 March 2023, Council resolved to seek authorisation and exhibit a planning scheme amendment to implement the Huntingdale Precinct Plan.

For more information, see Amendment C173 – Implementation of the Huntingdale Precinct Plan.

Adoption of Precinct Plan

Council adopted the Huntingdale Precinct Plan (subject to minor changes) at its meeting on 27 March 2020.

The minor changes were:

  • Change the building heights in activity areas 8A and 8B to 3 storeys and delete the proposed setbacks so that they reflect current planning scheme provisions
  • Acknowledge that there are significant parking and traffic issues around Huntingdale Primary School
  • Editing and reformatting to improve readability, correct errors and simplify terminology.

Please read: Huntingdale Precinct Plan(PDF, 23MB)
(This document has incorporated the changes adopted by Council)

Precinct Plan

This is a transformative, long term vision outlining opportunities to revitalise Huntingdale and immediately surrounding areas.

Council, in collaboration with PriceWaterhouseCoopers Consulting, have developed a draft Precinct Plan for the Huntingdale Neighbourhood Centre and surrounding industrial and residential properties. This draft Plan sets out a clear, transformative vision for the future growth and development of the Huntingdale Neighbourhood Centre, which is one of the key areas in the Monash National Employment and Innovation Cluster (MNEIC).


First round of consultation

In June 2019, Council resolved to release the draft Huntingdale Precinct Plan for community consultation. Feedback was sought from mid-July through to the end of September 2019. The consultation included giving notice to various stakeholders and making the draft Precinct Plan publicly available on various platforms. A total of 47 submissions were received from residents, business and property owners, and consultants/developers on behalf of land owners.

These submissions and Council's Officer responses were received and noted by Council at the 28 January 2020 meeting. However, Council resolved to undertake a further consultation and to hold a community meeting.

Second round of consultation

A second round of consultation was held between early February and 13 March 2020. This included a community meeting on 26 February 2020. Following this further round of consultation, a total of 80 submissions were received (an additional 33 submissions).

These submissions and Council’s Officer responses were received and noted by Council at the 27 March 2020 Special Council Meeting, and Council resolved to adopt the Precinct Plan with minor changes and to meet with landowners in Area 7.

Meeting with landowners in Area 7

Council officers met with the landowners in Area 7 on 19 May 2021 . No changes were made to the precinct plan or the scope of the amendment to implement the precinct plan as a result.

Implementation Plan

At its meeting on 28 March 2023, Council noted the implementation plan prepared by officers and resolved to seek authorisation and exhibit an amendment to implement the Precinct Plan in the Monash Planning Scheme (Implementation Actions 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1).

Read: Huntingdale Precinct Plan Implementation 2022-2028(PDF, 892KB)

Next step

Progress the amendment and other implementation actions.