
You can view advertised planning applications and register objection ONLINE at the following website: Advertised Planning Applications

Alternatively, you can view all planning applications at Council offices:

Civic Centre, 293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley (business hours)
Phone: 9518 3555

You can also download the form below (to submit by mail, email or in person)

Please read the following information before making your submission:

Register objection or response online

If you wish to register an objection or other response, you may make your submission online.

Please select 'Planning Applications Currently Advertised' and then Application Number.

Submit online


Complete form

Please quote the Application Number, which can be obtained from Advertised Planning Applications

Planning Objection Form - PDF version(PDF, 355KB)

Planning Objection Form - MS Word version(DOC, 90KB)

To make a submission, please forward the completed form to Monash Council by: