In September/October 2016, Council sought community feedback about its vision for Kingsway, Glen Waverley.
Under the vision, Kingsway would be transformed into Melbourne’s best outdoor dining precinct and another car park would be built in the centre of Glen Waverley.
This ambitious project would make Kingsway more pedestrian-friendly by removing the existing 99 kerbside car parks on either side of Kingsway and replacing them with widened footpaths. Car parking would continue to be available down the centre median strip of Kingsway.
Any visitor to Glen Waverley knows how hard it can be to find a car park during peak times. To meet existing and future demands for parking, Council is proposing a new 800 to 1,200 space multi-deck car park on Montclair Avenue in the heart of the Kingsway precinct.
This new car park will set Glen Waverley apart from other activity centres in Melbourne by ensuring ample FREE car parking is available to everyone who visits. It will also be a massive boost to businesses in the centre and responds to frequent requests from the Glen Waverley Traders’ Association for a new car park.
While it is still early days in planning for this project, Council believes the proposed new car park may be able to be delivered on a cost neutral basis using past and future contributions from traders and proceeds from a possible sale of a car park located east of Glendale Street.
Enquiries: Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9518 3620.
Read more about this project:
Transforming Kingsway(PDF, 594KB)
关于 Kingsway 改造项目的公众意见征询(PDF, 1MB)