Street trees in Huntingdale Road - Highbury Road to High Street Road

Our focus is on preserving trees that are healthy and creating additional planting in local parks and reserves to boost greenery.

We will only be removing and replacing those trees that are dead, dying (with a useful life expectancy of less than two years) or dangerous (they pose a risk to the community in the short term).

Street Tree Assessments

Our arborists have completed individual tree assessments based on the above criteria criteria and along Huntingdale Road, we are proposing to remove 1 tree and will be planting a total of 41 trees which includes an additional 40 in vacant locations.

Replacement Tree Species

proposed street tree renewal plan including all proposed tree removals, replacements and species choices has been drafted for Huntingdale Road:

Huntingdale Road (Highbury Road to High Street Road) - Proposed Tree Renewal Plan(PDF, 5MB)

We will be replacing the trees at these locations with Crimson Sentry Norway Maple which has an upright growth, with  large crimson leaves in summer turning to gold and orange in autumn. This is both suitable for Huntingdale Road and is in fitting with the character of the trees along the road.

More information

For more information, please contact Lucas Skelton, Manager Horticulture, on 9518 3555.