Sir John Monash Awards

Monash is served by amazing individuals who achieve remarkable things. While they give so much to our community, this is an opportunity to give back to them.

This year's nominees were recognised at an awards ceremony held at MAPh, on Wednesday 11 September.

The Sir John Monash Award winners for 2024 are:

Sustainability Leadership and winner for Outstanding Leadership
Erin Bartleton and Leasyl Richards

Active Monash
Mark Collins

Inspirational Women’s Leadership
Forough Derakshan

Multicultural Champion
Monash Interfaith Gathering

Outstanding Advocate of People with Disabilities
Jake Walton 

LGBTIQA+ Community Leadership
Jesra Garcia

Positive Ageing Leadership
Liangcheng Fu

Reconciliation Champion
Rebecca Tyson

Volunteer of the Year 
Donna Taylor 

Young Leader
Isabella and Ryan Xie

Youth Leadership
Thomas Maguire-Nguyen


Enquiries: call Jenny on 9518 3619 or email

Nomination guidelines

Guidelines to assist you with your nomination:

  • Only one category can be selected (not multiple categories)
  • People who were nominated before can be nominated again (Previous winners are unable to be nominated for future awards)
  • Ensure contact details are correct
  • Highlight your nominee's achievements and provide as much detail as possible
  • Describe the positive difference the nominee has made to a community, group, individual or business
  • If relevant, include supporting documentation ie. photos, articles and personal references
  • Make sure your submission contains at least 250 words
  • Council staff and Councillors are not able to be nominated

About Sir John Monash

General Sir John Monash, for whom Monash is named, was a civil engineer and volunteer soldier during World War 1.

By the end of the war, he had risen to the highest rank in the Australian Army and is regarded as one of Australia's greatest heroes. It is only fitting that these awards are named after Sir John Monash.