Engagement, Reporting and Strategy

Gardens For Wildlife

Many opportunities exist for everyone in the community and within Council to change daily behaviours that will reduce their impact on the environment.

Reporting is another key element of implementing Council’s commitment to sustainability.

Council’s vision for education, engagement and reporting is outlined below. Further information can be found in the Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2016-2026.(PDF, 8MB)

Annual reports

Effective reporting to the community raises the profile and promotes the importance of improving environmental outcomes across the City and enables opportunities for further improvements to be identified. Below are Council's Annual Reports so far for the Environmental Sustainability Strategy. 

2022-23 Report

View print version of the 2022-23 report:

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2022-23(PDF, 4MB)

To request the Report in another format, please contact our Sustainable Monash team on 9518 3555 or email sustainability@monash.vic.gov.au

2021-22 Report

View print version of the 2021-22 report: 

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2021-22(PDF, 2MB)

View web version of the 2021-22 report:

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2021-22: web version(PDF, 329KB)

2019-2020 Report

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report-2019-2020(PDF, 613KB)

To request the Report in another format, please contact our Sustainable Monash team on 9518 3733 or email sustainability@monash.vic.gov.au

2018-19 Report

View print version of the 2018-19 report: 

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2018-19(PDF, 13MB)

View web version of the 2018-19 report:

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2018-19: web version(PDF, 472KB)

2017-18 Report

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2017-18(PDF, 5MB)

2016-17 Report

Environmental Sustainability Strategy: Annual Report 2016-17(PDF, 3MB)


  • Educate and engage staff and community to understand environmental sustainability concepts and issues and to implement solutions
  • Monitor, evaluate and report on the sustainability performance of Council


  • Environmental education and behaviour change programs relating to all priority areas are developed, delivered, monitored and evaluated
  • Sustainability outcomes and targets are monitored, evaluated and reported using the best practice sustainability indicators and accounting processes