How to place your bin for collection
Collection trucks have an ‘arm’ to lift bins, so it is important to put your bins out correctly so the arm can reach it.
With your neighbours, you can help ensure bins can be collected every time by following these tips:

- Put your bins on the nature strip the night before your collection day. Return bins to your property within 24 hours of them being emptied.

- Leave 50cm between bins and 1m between your bin and any trees, poles or parked cars.

- Heavy bins cannot be lifted by the truck – if you are struggling to move your bin, it may be too heavy.

- Avoid parking in front of bins on bin collection day. If possible, keep your street free of parked cars on bin collection day. If your bin wasn’t collected because of a parked car, please call us within 24 hours to return and empty the bin.

- Only use the bins assigned to your property.

- Keep bin lids closed, and pick up any litter that falls on the ground around your bin.
If you live in a court, please put your bins along the straight section of the street for safer and easier collection.