Book additional paid hard waste collection

Monash residents get 1 FREE hard waste collection a year (July-September), but can also pay for an extra collection at a time that suits.

The cost for an extra hard waste collection is $196.55.

Pensioners can get a discounted price of $166. You will need to provide a valid Centrelink Pension or Department of Veterans' Affairs card number at the time of booking to qualify for the discount price. Payment is required at the time of booking. 

Book your additional hard waste collection


Payment is required at the time of booking.

Book online

Please note: hard waste collections are for residential properties only. Residents in apartment buildings may not be able to access a council hard waste collection. Please contact your building's facility manager before booking a collection.

When we collect your hard waste

The additional hard waste collections take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

  • If you book and pay before 4pm on a Monday, your hard waste will be collected the same week.
  • If you book and pay after 4pm on a Monday, your hard waste will be collected the following week.


Payment is required at the time of booking.

Call 9518 3555 to book a collection.

The additional hard waste collections take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

  • If you book and pay before 4pm on a Monday, your hard waste will be collected the same week.
  • If you book and pay after 4pm on a Monday, your hard waste will be collected the following week.

How do I cancel?

If you need to cancel your collection, you must call by 2pm Tuesday on the week your collection is booked.

You will also need to complete a Refund Request Form(PDF, 235KB)

The completed form can be returned to the Civic Centre or emailed to

What can I put in my hard waste?

The items you can put out for this additional hard waste service are the same as the annual free collection.

Items must be less than 1.5m in length and able to be safely lifted by two people.  

To check what items are accepted, please see What goes in your hard waste

The total amount of items put out for collection must not exceed two cubic metres (2m3). This is equal, for example, to 2m long x 1m deep x 1m high.

When do I put my hard waste out for collection?

Only put accepted items on the nature strip, a few days before your booked collection date.

When putting items out for collection, make sure they are stacked neatly and do not block the footpath or spill onto the road.

Please do not park your car in front of the nature strip on the Wednesday and Thursday of your booked collection week.

What if there is an issue with my collection?

If there are any issues with your additional hard waste collection, please contact the Waste Services Team on 9518 3555.

I forgot about my collection and didn’t put out my hard waste. Can I reschedule?

If you have booked an ‘At Call’ collection, contact Council’s Waste Services Team on 9518 3555 to discuss your options.

What happens if I’ve put something out that can’t be collected?

If items in your collection can’t be accepted, you will get a letter from Council in your letterbox.

You must remove these items from the nature strip within 24 hours.

You may be able to dispose of or recycle some items at the Monash Recycling & Waste Centre

What happens if I put out too much hard waste?

For this additional hard waste collection service, you are allowed 2 cubic metres (2m3).

If you have put out too much hard waste, some items won’t be collected and you will get a notice from Council in your letterbox. You must remove any uncollected items from the nature strip within 24 hours.

You can either book another hard waste collection, wait for your annual hard waste collection, or take items to the Monash Recycling & Waste Centre