School Sustainability Actions

Mulching - Highvale Primary School

To participate in the Actions for Earth Challenge, schools complete and document sustainable actions completed throughout the school year. Actions focus on general sustainability, recycling and reducing waste, water, energy, biodiversity and gardening, and the full list is available below.

You can also download the 2025 Actions for Earth Information Pack and Checklist(PDF, 2MB)

Sign up your school


General Sustainability

  • Book a free staff or student Monash Council education session.
  • Book a Monash Council or ResourceSmart School Audit.
  • Join the ResourceSmart School Program.
  • Create sustainability posters that relate to an Action category (for example, Energy- Turn off lights; Recycling- What goes in the bins).
  • Educate the school community on sustainability (for example, newsletters, website, assembly presentations).
  • Create a student, staff and/or parent Sustainability Team.
  • Incorporate First Nations perspectives for caring for Country, native plants and water.
  • Apply for environmental grants (water, energy, waste).
  • Hold your own community working bee (for example, garden maintenance, planting, litter pick-up)
  • Hold a Celebration or Awareness Day/Event related to sustainability. 
  • Create a sustainability-themed song/production/art mural or show.
  • Create a sustainability page on your school website.
  • Collaborate with elective teachers to achieve a sustainable action (for example, textiles, art, sports).

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  • Introduce or improve Council recycling or food and garden waste bin.
  • Nude food day/week/month.
  • Introduce or educate on alternative recycling collection programs (for example, batteries, Container Deposit Scheme)
  • Collection programs (for example, batteries, Container Deposit Scheme).
  • Reduce litter at school (for example, regular pick-up, clean up event, working bee).
  • Introduce a reuse station for classroom items (for example, paper, stationary, books, uniforms).
  • Host an upcycling, crafting or mending session to create value out of waste/litter items.
  • Improve bin storage, management or signage.
  • Create a litter pick-up incentive project or program (for example, competitions, turning litter into value).
  • Host a clothes swap event.
  • Create a reuse kit to replace single-use items (for example, cutlery, plates, cups, serviettes).
  • Set a rubbish reduction target or goal for the class or whole school.
  • Set school printers to double-sided printing to save paper.
  • Source second-hand or recycled classroom/outdoor items (for example, bird bath, furniture, bin tubs).

Biodiversity and Gardening

  • Habitat garden planting and/or maintenance.
  • Add or create habitat structure (for example, bird bath, lizard lounge, nest box).
  • Veggie patch planting and maintenance.
  • Introduce or improve compost or worm farm system.
  • Plant trees and/or bushfood species.
  • Take part in local biodiversity activities (for example, National Tree Day, City Nature Challenge, Friends Of volunteering)
  • Replace artificial grass or turf with permeable surface (for example, mulch, planting).
  • Protect and educate on local trees (for example, tree signs at school, why trees are important).
  • Student-led nature activities (for example, nature trail, biodiversity games, wildlife signage).
  • Design planting around school buildings for passive cooling and shade.


  • Promote engine-off zones for school pick-up/drop-off.
  • Walk to School or Ride to School days.
  • Energy use audits (kit provided through ResourceSmart or Monash Council).
  • Draught proofing and weather stripping (for example, upcycling door snakes).
  • Promote use of natural light (for example, opening/closing curtains, skylights, turning off lights).
  • Share energy-efficient tips or activities with school community.
  • Energy conservation signage (for example, turn off lights).
  • Open Streets School Program.


  • Implement water-saving solutions (for example, installing rain tanks, buckets under leaking taps, student water-watch team).
  • Litter free drains and waterways (for example, ensure stormwater or drain areas are rubbish-free).
  • Participation in local water education activities or programs (for example, Melbourne Water Watch, IseeIcare, Water Bug Kit).
  • Create or improve a water catchment area (for example, frog bog, pond, rain garden).
  • Share water saving tips or activities with school community.
  • Water saving or water life cycle signage.
  • Water use audits (through ResourceSmart Schools).