Monash Recycling & Waste Centre Operates by separating recyclable products from non-recyclable products into categories for disposal and recycling.
Bin Collection When we collect your bins, what goes into your bins, and answers to your food waste collection questions.
A-Z guide to recycling in Monash Use this guide to find out how to recycle or dispose of items correctly.
Hard Waste Collection We provide a free hard waste collection annually - find out what you can put out for this collection. Monash residents can also book an additional collection that they pay for at the time of booking.
Request new or additional bin, or change your bin size Need to change bin size, or request additional or new bin?
Issues with your bins? Find out what to do if your bin is lost or damaged, how to place your bin or what to do if your bin doesn't get picked up.
Recycling & Composting Waste produced within Monash poses a great challenge for environmental sustainability and the efficient use of resources. Find out more about recycling and composting.
Get Involved in Sustainability Programs Join sustainability programs, local groups or networks, and attend workshops and community events.Schools receive FREE sustainability visits, workshops and resources.
Living Sustainably and Reducing Carbon Footprint There are many ways in which you can live more sustainably and reduce your carbon footprint. You can also read what we are doing to achieve net zero emissions by 2025.
Dumped rubbish, soil and organic waste Dumping rubbish on public or private land without authorisation is illegal. You can report dumped rubbish online.
Keeping Monash Clean Find out more about how we keep Monash Clean from graffiti, used syringes, how often our streets are cleaned and what to do about asbestos and dumped rubbish.