Accessible Sports Programs & Facilities
Removing barriers that prevent people with a disability from participating fully in life is important to Monash Council. We offer a range of services and assistance in getting you active.
Disability Sport and Recreation
Disability Sport and Recreation (DSR) supports Victorians living with disability be active by providing greater choice, access and participation. They work with individuals, organisations, schools, corporate and Government to assist with creating pathways, connections, programs, awareness, inclusion and a voice for an inclusive sport and recreation space for all. Please visit the DSR website for more information:
Reclink Australia
Reclink Australia provides evidence-based sport and art programs to disadvantaged Australians to create socially inclusive, life-changing opportunities.
In partnership with more than 450 community organisations, Reclink Australia's programs create pathways to improved health and wellbeing, education and employment outcomes for all participants.
There is no other social inclusion program in Australia with the reach and impact that Reclink Australia's model currently has.
Reclink Australia offers a number of sports and recreation programs to the community, either in-person or online. To find out more about Reclink please visit their website:

Access All Abilities Play
Access for all Abilities (AAA Play), is operated by Reclink Australia, and provides a dedicated referral and connection services for people with a disability to sports and recreational opportunities in Victoria. AAA Play helps people identify what activities they’d like to be involved in and matches them with existing programs being offered in the community. Please visit the AAA Play website: AAA Play helps to find inclusive, accessible sports near you
If you are a Monash City Council Sports or Recreational Club that would like to share their program, please get in touch with AAA Play and the Inclusion Officer at Council to promote your program or event.
Sport4All is a collaboration between the Australian Government, Sports Australia and Get Skilled Access.
Sport4All’s purpose is to provide people with disability the opportunity to participate in club and school sports when, where and how they choose.
If you would like your club to join the Sport4All program or find a Sport4all program, please visit:
Reach & Belong
Reach and Belong, has group activities for adults and for teenagers/ young adults. They have a variety of Day Programs, After-School and School Holiday Programs, all of which facilitate the formation of valuable social connections.
Programs are designed for those with autism, intellectual, psychosocial, physical and acquired disabilities.
Council has partnered with Reach and Belong, Bluefit, One Club Golf, and Golf Australia to offer golfing opportunities at Oakleigh Golf Course.
Professional golfer, Greg Chalmers is a Reach and Belong ambassador and talks about his personal connection. Greg Chalmers Reach & Belong ambassador - YouTube