Planning Outdoor Event in Monash Whether you are organising a public or private event, if it occurs in an outdoor public space anywhere in Monash, please consult Council to ensure you have all the necessary approvals.
Venue hire We offer an excellent range of low-cost, high-quality facilities for hire. Some halls are perfect for bigger events, such as private functions or indoor sport. Smaller rooms, suitable for meetings, training sessions and seminars, are also available.
Reserves and sports grounds for hire If you are looking to hire a reserve or a sports ground, Monash has many reserves that are available for hire.
Busking and Street Performing If you want to perform in the City of Monash, you need to apply for a permit (free).
Stallholders and Performers - Guidelines and Applications We invite stallholders, food vendors, performers, artists and community groups to register their interest in a range of community events, festivals, programs and workshops, we orgainse each year.
Public assemblies, demonstrations and protests You don't need permission to conduct a demonstration, rally or protest or other form of public assembly. However, we'd like to hear about it so we can plan for impacts to public places, streets and footpaths and notify affected businesses and services.