Mulgrave - Freeway Reserve Fitness Hub

Equipment: Parallel bars, Obstacle frame, Push-up bars, Pull-up bars, Aerobic stepper, Monkey bars, Sit-up board.

See circuit training and fitness equipment tutorials below.

Beginner Workout

2 Rounds

  • 2x obstacle frame (up and down)
  • 5x pull-ups (parallel bars)
  • 100m walk to push-up bars

2 Rounds

  • 5x push-ups (high push-up bar)
  • 200m walk to aerobic stepper

2 Rounds

  • 10 step-ups each leg (low step-up bar)

(Take 30-40 secs rest between exercises, or more as needed).

Intermediate Workout

2 Rounds

  • 10x pull-ups (parallel bars)
  • 10 jumping triceps dips (parallel bars)
  • 100m run to push-up bars

2 Rounds

  • 10x push-ups (high push-up bar)
  • 200m run to aerobic stepper

2 Rounds

  • 3x through aerobic stepper
  • 200m run to sit-up boards

2 Rounds

  • 10x sit-ups (low sit-up board)

(Take 30-40 secs rest between exercises, or more as needed).

Advanced Workout

2 Rounds

  • 10x pull-ups (parallel bars)
  • 10 triceps dips (parallel bars)
  • 100m run to push-up bars

2 Rounds

  • 10x push ups (high push-up bar)
  • 100m run to pull-up bars

2 Rounds

  • 10x pull-ups 
  • 200m run to monkey bars

2 Rounds

  • 2x through monkey bars
  • 100m run to sit-up boards

2 Rounds

  • 10x sit-ups (high sit-up board)
  • (Take 30-40 secs rest between exercises, or more as needed).


Parallel bars

Obstacle frame

Push-up bars

Pull-up bars

Aerobic stepper

Monkey bars

Sit-up board

Location: 361-415 Wellington Road, Mulgrave

More information: Freeway Reserve