
Young female owner plays with her cat

When cats are outdoors they can attack wildlife, get hit by cars, be injured or injure other cats, and spread diseases such as feline AIDS.

They can also spray, howl and annoy neighbours, especially during mating season.

You can keep 2 cats on your property without an additional animal permit. Read more: Restrictions on number of animals

Cat curfew

A cat curfew is now in place in Monash.

The curfew, which is between sunset or 7pm (whichever is later) and sunrise, was introduced following extensive community consultation. The curfew requires cat owners to keep their cats contained inside or on their property between those times.

The cat curfew is one of a number of measures in Council’s Domestic Animal Management Plan 2017-2021, which was adopted at the 31 October 2017 Council meeting. For more information, please see: Domestic Animal Management Plan.

Our Domestic Animal Management Plan explains our policies for pets and other animals.

Cat traps

Your neighbours can trap your cat if it has entered their property more than once without their permission.

If you own a nuisance cat that enters your neighbours’ properties repeatedly, we could fine you.

If the cat is impounded you also face pound fees.

If you want to trap a cat on your property call Animal Management Team on 9518 3555. There is currently a waiting list for a trap, but once you are on the list you will be contacted when one becomes available.

After you have trapped the cat, you must call us again to pick it up. We only collect cats Monday to Friday. We will take it to the pound until we find the owner.  

Prohibited parks and reserves

Cats cannot enter these parks:

  • Valley Conservation Reserve
  • Damper Creek Conservation Reserve
  • Fairway Reserve
  • Portsmouth Reserve
  • Gardiners Reserve (east of creek channel)