Animal Registration and Renewal

All dogs and cats in Monash aged over 3 months must be microchipped and registered. The animal registration period runs from 10 April to 9 April each year.
After 10 October each year a 50% pro rata amount of the relevant fee applies to new registrations (read also - Refund of animal registration fees)

All pets must be registered within 14 days of being housed in Monash.

Registrations must be renewed annually by 9 April. If you do not register a pet, you may be subject to a fine.

Any changes to the information provided on the registration application must be advised in writing to Monash Council Animal Management: PO Box 1, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 or email:

Replacement tags for your pet

Your animal identification tag is a lifetime tag. You will not be issued a new tag every time your animal’s registration is renewed.

It is mandatory for an animal to be wearing an identification tag. To obtain a replacement tag, please forward your animal registration details via email to using the below template:

Animal owner Name:
Animal name:
Animal type:
Animal reference number (if known):

You can also call 9518 3555 or visit us during business hours

New registration

Read more below and register online.

If you have more than 2 cats and/or 2 dogs, then prior to registration you will need to obtain an additional animal permit under the Local Law. For more information, refer to the Additional animal permit page.

Restrictions - new registrations

Restricted breed dogs can only be registered if they were in Victoria prior to 1 September 2010 or registered with another Council in Victoria prior to 30 September 2011. Read more: Restricted breed dog registration.

In order to register your cat with the City of Monash, your cat must be desexed.

Registration fees

Registration fees 2025/26 are $53.40 for dogs and $45.20 for cats who fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  • Desexed
  • Over 10 years old
  • Member of an applicable organisation
  • Obedience trained or a working stock dog

Maximum fees are $160.30 for dogs and $136.70 for cats (unsterilised*).

Dogs declared Dangerous or Menacing, Restricted Breed Dog and Guard Dogs - $294.40.

*In accordance with section 10A of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, Council is unable to register a cat for the first time unless it is desexed or exempt from any requirement to be de-sexed under the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

Concession rates 2025/26

Any changes to the information provided on the registration application must be advised in writing to Monash Council Animal Management: PO Box 1, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 or email:

Holders of a pension concession card, war widow entitlement or TPI* enhancements, will pay $65.10 (dogs) and $55.50 (cats) for the maximum fee, or $21.80 (dogs) and $18.50 (cats) for the reduced fee. This does not include Health Care cards or Seniors cards.

*Totally & Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Servicemen & Women

Proof of concession must be supplied.

Satisfactory proof that your pet is eligible for the lower fee must be supplied along with your application.

You may be exempt from registration fees if your animal fulfils one of the following criteria:

  • Greyhounds* currently registered with Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV)
  • Working guide dogs and puppies
  • Government dogs exempt under section 8 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994

*Your greyhound must be racing or breeding and remain registered with GRV to be considered exempt from registration with Council.

For more information regarding greyhounds, please visit Legal requirements for greyhound owners

Dogs declared dangerous or menacing are not eligible for the concession or reduced rate.

Microchipping and desexing


Any changes to the information provided on the registration application must be advised in writing to Monash Council Animal Management: PO Box 1, Glen Waverly VIC 3150 or email:

Cats and dogs must be registered and microchipped by 3 months of age.

Microchipping is mandatory, and satisfactory proof (a certificate signed and dated by a registered vet or by a licensed agent certified to undertake microchipping) is required.

The National Pet Register is Australia's largest non-profit pet identification service, and is run by The Lost Dogs' Home.

The National Pet Register reunites more than 23,000 lost pets with their owners every year. Make sure your pet is microchipped by a National Pet Register agent.


Desexed animals are less likely to wander, spray to mark territory, and be aggressive.

Pets from 8 weeks of age can be desexed by a vet, and most fully recover within 24 hours.

Deceased animal

You can notify us via:

  • Email to Council about the details at
  • Call Council - 9518 3555
  • Return the registration renewal form by ticking the deceased section
  • SMS us back once the reminder messages go out to the public about non renewals

It is possible to ask for a refund, however no refunds are granted after 1 July each year, as we have to make a payment to the state government for each registered animal. 


Supporting documentation (animal registration)

Dog obedience certificate - the following organisations have been approved by the Minister for Agriculture as approved obedience training organisations, in accordance with the requirements of Section 5B of the DA Act.

  • Australian Association of Professional Dog Trainers Inc.
  • The Kintala Dog Club Association Inc.
  • Delta Institute

Cat/Dog registered with an applicable organisation - owner must be a current member (proof of registration and membership must be provided).

Applicable organisations:

  • Australia National Cats Inc.
  • Feline Control Council (Victoria) Inc.
  • The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy Australia and Victoria
  • Master Dog Breeders and Associates (MDBA)

Other documents:

  • Microchip proof letter (from Vet or national pet records)
  • Pension Concession Card, War Widow entitlement or Special Rate Veterans (Health Care Cards and Seniors Cards are not included).
  • Desexing certificate (from Vet)
  • Vet Certificate if over 10, for new registrations
  • Certificate for Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP)

Any changes to the information provided on the registration application must be advised in writing to Monash Council Animal Management: PO Box 1, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 or email:

Renew registration

2025/26 renewal notices will be distributed in March 2025. If you have not received your animal registration renewal notice, please phone us on 9518 3555.

You can renew your animal registration online.

Step 1.Update details

If you do not update details online, we will assume that all details on the Animal Registration Renewal Notice are correct.

Update details

Step 2.Pay online

Renew dog registration

Renew cat registration

To register a pet from another Council, please apply for a Monash registration. You should apply for a refund from the original council.

For more information, please phone us on 9518 3555.

Register cat or dog

Step 1.Online

Prepare supporting documentation and apply online:

New Cat/Dog Registration

The registration tag will be posted to applicants (if applying online).

If you require a paper-based form, please download below or contact Council on 9518 3555.

Application to Register Dog/Cat(PDF, 407KB)

Step 2.In person

Visit Council's Customer Service Centre. You will also need your supporting documentation.