Animal Registration and Renewal All dogs and cats in Monash aged over 3 months must be registered and microchipped. Registrations must be renewed annually by 9 April.
Dogs Off-leash areas for dogs, dog poo bag dispensers, drinking fountains in parks, what to do about barking or dangerous dogs.
Cats Information on cats in Monash, including the cat curfew, cat traps, prohibited parks and toxic plants.
Animal regulations Animal regulations cover restrictions on number of animals, additional animal permit, information on keeping backyard chickens and bees (beehives).
Domestic animal business registration All domestic animal businesses must be registered with Council and comply with the appropriate mandatory Code of Practice.
Wildlife Information on possums, flying foxes, birds, bees and insects, and where to find help for injured wildlife.
Infringement Notice Internal Review Request Under certain circumstances, you may apply for an internal review of your infringement (fine) notice. Read more about the grounds of appeal.