Refused development at 101-105 Clayton Road, Oakleigh East

Community feedback on TPA/54529 sought by: 24 April 2023

  • Application numberTPA/54529
  • Applicant nameURBIS
  • StatusComplete
  • DecisionRejected
  • Decision date30 May 2023

101-105 Clayton Road, Oakleigh East 3166  View Map

Update: February 2024 – VCAT refusal

An application was made to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) by the permit applicant against Council's refusal to issue a planning permit for the proposed development. The merits hearing occurred on 27 and 28 November 2023.

On 12 February 2024, the tribunal issued a direction that no permit is to be granted for the proposed development.

You can view VCAT’s decision here: VCAT Decision - 101-105 Clayton Road, Oakleigh East(PDF, 1MB)

May 2023 – Council refusal 

At its 30 May meeting, Council refused an application for the development of 10 3-storey dwellings and alteration access to a road in a Transport Zone 2 at 101-105 Clayton Road, Oakleigh East.

Council sought community feedback on the proposal and received 3 objections.

Council refused the amended development proposal on several grounds, including height of the development, lack of variation of setback, built form and scale, landscape provision, internal amenity and amenity impacts to adjoining properties. 

To find out more, please see the report and plans Council considered prior to making its decision.


Council received a planning application for the proposed $4 million development of 101-105 Clayton Road, Oakleigh, comprising:

  • Construction of 10 3-storey dwellings with a maximum building height of 10.4m.
  • Each dwelling contains double garage access from a shared driveway.
  • Existing access to Clayton Road is proposed to be modified.

Council sought community feedback on the proposed development. 

Feedback was formally sought by Monday 24 April 2023. However, Council will continue to accept submissions on this proposal up until it makes a decision.

Planning Documents

Here are the documents that have been submitted by the applicant:

Covenant(PDF, 1MB)

Development Plans(PDF, 39MB)

Feature Survey(PDF, 4MB)

Landscape Plans(PDF, 13MB)

Plan of Subdivision(PDF, 669KB)

Sustainability Management Plans(PDF, 13MB)

Title(PDF, 319KB)

Traffic Report(PDF, 9MB)

Community Information Session

A community information session was held on:

Date: Wednesday 19 April 2023

Time: 6pm - 7pm

Location: Online via Zoom