Amendment C166: Planning Policy Framework translation

Amendment C166 to the Monash Planning Scheme replaced the Local Planning Policy Framework (in Clauses 21 and 22) with a new Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) at Clause 02 and local provisions in Clauses 11-19 of the Planning Policy Framework (PPF), and made a selected number of operational provisions in a manner consistent with changes to the Victoria Planning Provisions introduced by Amendment VC148.

As part of the Planning Policy Framework translation program, it was considered a ‘neutral translation’ and followed a Ministerial Amendment process.

Specifically, the amendment:

  • Relocates the content to the appropriate theme-based clauses in the PPF, MPS and relevant local schedules, with the intended effect of the original clauses remaining unchanged.
  • Clarifies and improves the style, format, language or grammatical form of content in accordance with the Practitioner’s Guide to Victorian Planning Schemes, with the intended effect of the original clauses remaining unchanged.
  • Updates clause references, department names, legislation names, document references, terminology and statistical data.
  • Deletes or adjusts incompatible content that conflicts with State planning policy of the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP).
  • Removes repetitive content.
  • Removes or updates outdated content.

Council considered the PPF translation at its meeting on 26 March 2024, noting the amendment, the particular changes that Council did not consider to be ‘policy neutral’ (i.e. Licensed Premises policy, Stormwater Management policy), and resolving to authorise the Director City Development to finalise feedback to the Department of Transport and Planning in line with the report. This feedback was given to DTP following the meeting.

The Minister for Planning approved Amendment C166 on 15 May 2024, and the amendment was gazetted on 23 May 2024. 

Detailed list of changes

Purpose and Vision

  • Introduces a new MPS at Clause 02 based on content from Clauses 21 and 22 of the Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF).

    Planning Policy Framework

  • Introduces revised local policy content into the PPF at Clauses 11 (Settlement), 13 (Environmental Risks and Amenity), 15 (Built Environment and Heritage), 16 (Housing), 17 (Economic Development), and 19 (Infrastructure) based on content from Clauses 21 and 22 of the LPPF.

    Local Planning Policy Framework

  • Deletes Clauses 20, 21, 22 and 23.

    Particular Provisions

  • Amends the Schedule to Clause 52.28 (Gaming) to include content previously contained at Clause 22.12 (Gaming Premises) of the LPPF.

    Operational Provisions

  • Replaces the Schedule to Clause 72.08 (Background documents) with a new schedule that consolidates all background documents from Clauses 21 and 22 of the LPPF.
  • Introduces a new Schedule to Clause 74.01 (Application of zones, overlays and provisions) to provide an explanation of the relationship between the municipal objectives, strategies and controls on the use and development of land in the planning scheme. The schedule consolidates all planning scheme implementation actions from Clause 21.
  • Introduces a new Schedule to Clause 74.02 (Further strategic work) that consolidates all further strategic work actions from Clause 21.