Tools to guide Environmentally Sustainable Design assessments
ESD Tools - Fact Sheet(PDF, 594KB)
Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard or BESS is an online sustainability assessment tool purpose-built for the planning application stage. It can assess single dwellings, multi-dwellings, non-residential and mixed-use developments of any size. The information required to complete a BESS assessment is simple for small developments and increases in complexity for larger developments.
BESS can be used by anyone applying for a Monash planning permit.
A published BESS assessment will demonstrate how your project meets a best practice standard in ESD. A BESS report would typically be an attachment to the SDA or SMP and support the design elements shown on the plans and the various statements.
If you regularly prepare complex assessments, it is recommended that you complete a BESS training course. If you are ready to commence, you can register at
STORM is a free, online calculator for testing whether a site achieves best practice water quality objectives. STORM is managed by Melbourne Water.
MUSIC is a stormwater modelling software that is available for purchase from eWater.
Green Star
Green Star is a green building certification system administered by the Green Building Council of Australia and is suitable for use by large developments. All ESD commitments contained in an SMP should be clearly demonstrated at planning stage, as reliance on operational commitments to gain a Green Star rating will not be accepted at planning stage.
FirstRate5 is the software most commonly used in Victoria to demonstrate compliance with the National Construction Code energy efficiency requirements for residential buildings. It uses the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) protocol.
FirstRate5 assesses the energy performance of a residential building’s envelope only.
An energy rating will need to be completed for most new dwellings and extensions by building permit stage.
A building’s orientation, glazing proportions and construction materials largely impact the rating, so we strongly recommend conducting a preliminary assessment before lodging your drawings for a planning permit, so you do not need to apply for an amendment to ensure your building design to meets minimum NCC standards. Many designers now use energy rating tools as design tools rather than as compliance tools.
Your Home
Your Home provides guidance for building, buying or renovating a home. It shows how to create a comfortable home with low impact on the environment, economical to run, healthier to live in, and adaptable to your changing needs.