Drainage pit and pipe upgrades
Drainage improvements are being undertaken at several sites across Monash, either renewing or upgrading existing drainage pits and pipes or constructing new drainage.
Riversdale Golf Club, Mount Waverley
When: February – June 2024
What: New drainage pipes and pits will be installed in High Street Road and extended into the Riversdale Golf Club to renew and upgrade the stormwater drainage system in the area. The works will minimise drainage issues on roadways and nearby properties.
Danien St, Glen Waverley
When: Works to be completed by the end of February 2025
What: Proposed works will improve the condition of the road pavement along the street.
Bogong Reserve, Glen Waverley
When: Construction of Gross Pollutant Trap to be completed by end of February 2025.
What: We’re undertaking water treatment works in Bogong Reserve. The works will improve water quality in the wetlands by reducing litter and pollutants discharging into the wetlands downstream of the litter trap/gross pollutant trap.
Bristol Crt, Glen Waverley
When: Design to be completed by 30 June 2025. Construction dates to be confirmed.
What: We’ll address the poor condition of the road pavement, the stormwater drainage, vehicle crossings and plants on the nature strip.
Campbell Street and Moira Grove, Glen Waverley
When: Design to be completed by 30 June 2025. Construction dates to be confirmed.
What: Our proposed works will improve drainage along the street and minimise overland flows into private properties.
Kalonga Court and Harris Crescent, Glen Waverley
When: Design completed, construction date to be confirmed.
What: Our proposed works will improve drainage along the streets and minimise overland flows into private properties.
Napier Park Culvert Replacement, Glen Waverley
When: Further design work required, construction date to be confirmed.
What: Works will include construction of a new box-culvert, to replace the existing culvert, which meets current and future traffic service requirements. We allocated funding in our 2023/24 Budget to undertake these works.
Muir Street, Mount Waverley
When: Works will begin at a date to be confirmed, prior to October 2025, and will be finished within 10-15 weeks of the start date.
What: The proposed works will upgrade and improve the damaged easement drainage system to ensure drainage is functioning satisfactorily for neighbouring properties.
Atkinson Street and Kelly Street, Chadstone.
When: Works will begin at a date to be confirmed, prior to October 2025, and will be finished within 10-15 weeks of the start date.
What: The proposed works will improve drainage along the streets and minimise overland flows into private properties.
Carlyle Street, Ashwood
When: There are two stages to this project:
- the design of the works (2025/2026)
- the proposed delivery of these improvements - which will be dependent on Council funding, and other drainage projects on the priority program that are to be constructed first.
What: The proposed works will improve drainage along the northern boundary easement of 1-49 Carlyle Street and the eastern boundary easement of 445 Warrigal Road in Ashwood.
Kennedy Street, Glen Waverley
When: Works will begin at a date to be confirmed, prior to October 2025, and will be finished within 15-20 weeks of the start date.
What: The proposed works will improve drainage along the street and minimise overland flows into private properties on the north side of Kennedy Street.
Queens Parade, Ashwood
When: There are two stages to this project:
- the design of the works (2025/2026)
- the proposed delivery of these improvements - which will be dependent on Council funding, and other drainage projects on the priority program that are to be constructed first.
What: The proposed works will improve drainage along the street and minimise overland flows into private properties.
Beckett Street, Chadstone
When: We anticipate works will begin before May 2025 and will be finished within 8-10 weeks of the start date.
What: We’ll be installing and connecting a new 300mm diameter drain and replacing an existing 100mm diameter easement drain
Elwood Street, Notting Hill
When: Works will begin at a date to be confirmed, prior to October 2025, and will be finished within 10-15 weeks of the start date.
What: The proposed works will improve drainage along the street and minimise overland flows into private properties on the east side of Elwood Street.
Hotham Street, Hughesdale
When: Works will begin at a date to be confirmed, prior to October 2025, and will be finished within 30-40 weeks of the start date.
What: We’re undertaking drainage improvement works, road rectification works and installing traffic control devices (road humps, as part of the Local Area Traffic Management study) along Hotham Street in Hughesdale. Works will address the poor condition of the road pavement, the stormwater drainage problems, vehicle crossings, footpaths and plants on the nature strip.
Nicole Street and Rhonda Street, Mount Waverley
When: Works will begin at a date to be confirmed, prior to October 2025, and will be finished within 10-15 weeks of the start date.
What: We’ll be undertaking drainage improvement works along the rear boundary easements of 1, 3 & 5 Nicole Street and 16 Rhonda Street in Mount Waverley. The proposed works will upgrade and improve the damaged easement drainage system to ensure drainage is functioning satisfactorily for the properties.
(Works listed below were completed in 2024)
Ashbrook Court, Kaybrook Court, Redpath Close and Scotsburn Avenue, Oakleigh South
When: January - end of April 2024.
What: The completed works - construction of new drains and associated pits - will improve drainage along the affected streets and easements and minimise overland flows into private properties.
Parkinson Street, Churcher Court, Romney Court and Whiton Street, Mount Waverley
When: February - mid-April 2024.
What: The completed works - construction of new drains and associated pits - will improve drainage along affected streets and minimise overland flows.
Easement of 1 - 3 Hennessy Street, Chadstone
When: February to mid-March 2024
What: The completed works - construction of new drains and associated pits - will improve drainage along the streets and minimise overland flows into private properties.
Cypress Avenue, Glen Waverley
When: February – March 2024
What: Drainage improvement works along Cypress Avenue and Folkestone Road will improve drainage along the streets and minimise overland flows into private properties
Muir Street, Walker Road and Leeds Road, Mount Waverley
When: January - April 2024
What: Drainage concrete pipes have been installed to improve the stormwater drainage system in the area and to alleviate property damage due to storm events. The completed works will minimise overland flows discharging into nearby properties.
Kooringa Cres, Wheelers Hill
When: Works were completed July – September 2024.
What: Completed works will improve the condition of the drainage along the street.
(Works listed below were all completed by June 2023)
Luke Street Clayton - drainage improvement, approximately 160m underground, associated pits and connections
47-59 Willesden Road, Hughesdale - drainage renewal program, approximately 90m of underground drainage, associated pits and connections
50 Ashwood Drive, Ashwood - drainage improvement, approximately 135m of underground drainage, associated pits and connections
Florence Street, Burwood - local drainage, approximately 150m of underground drainage, associated pits and connections
16-18 Faulkiner Street, Clayton - drainage improvement, approximately 270m of underground drainage, reinstatement of kerb and channel and road pavement, associated drainage pits and connections
Panoramic Grove, Glen Waverley - drainage improvement, approximately 330m of underground drainage, reinstatement of kerb and channel and road pavement, associated drainage pits and connections
Gemini Court, Domino Court, Rochelle Court and Aquarius Court, Wheelers Hill - local drainage improvement, approximately 200m of drainage pipes, associated drainage pits and connections.