Decision to sell two Mount Waverley properties
- Project typeLocal infrastructure
Council sold two Mount Waverley properties so it can fund a major refurbishment of the Mount Waverley Community Centre and the Mount Waverley Youth Centre.
At its 30 August 2016 meeting, Council resolved to support the sale of 14 The Highway, which houses The Highway Gallery (a community art organisation), and 6 Holskamp Street, which is occupied by the Monash Waverley Community Information and Support Services (MWCISS). These properties, which are more than 40 years old, are no longer suitable for community purposes.
After seeking community feedback on a proposal to sell the properties, Council received nine submissions from community members, most of whom wish to see the gallery remain in its current location. Council considered these submissions before deciding to proceed with the sale, as the gallery and MWCISS can both be accommodated within the refurbished centres and there is great community benefit in modernising the centres. The refurbishment provides increased opportunities for residents to volunteer, enjoy community art exhibitions, and participate in social activities.
Here is the final resolution adopted by Council:
Council resolution - 30 August 2016 meeting:
1. Receives this report from the Section 223 Committee of Council on the submissions received for the proposed sale of 6 Holskamp Street & 14 The Highway Mount Waverley; and accepts the Committee’s recommendation for the CEO or her delegate to progress the sale of both properties referred to below by public auction (or if passed in at auction by private treaty):
- the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 6132 Folio 370 and known as 6 Holskamp St, Mount Waverley
- the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 11656 Folio 785 and known as 14 The Highway Mount Waverley.
2 Advises each submitter, in writing in relation to their submission, accordingly
3. Notes that Council will undertake consultation with the broader Mount Waverley community and in particular the affected community groups on the proposed refurbishment of the Mount Waverley Community Centre and Mount Waverley Youth Centre, as plans are developed and prior to them being finalised and presented to Council for adoption. The properties will not be offered for sale until the refurbishment works are nearing completion
4. Notes that the occupants of 6 Holskamp Street and 14 The Highway, Mount Waverley will not be required to relocate from said properties until the works at Mount Waverley Youth Centre and Mount Waverley Community Centre are completed and the required space is ready for them to move in
5. Notes that the sale proceeds will offset the refurbishment of the Mount Waverley Community Centre and the Mount Waverley Youth Centre and that the properties will not be offered for sale until these refurbishment works are nearing completion and that Council will continue to support the continuation of the Highway gallery exhibition program under the current arrangements and will undertake any necessary maintenance on the buildings as may be considered necessary for safety and useability until the works at Mount Waverley Community Centre and Mount Waverley Youth Centre have been completed and the groups have been relocated
6. Notes that a further report will be considered by Council regarding the valuation of the sites prior to any sale.