Report and Consent Application Guide - building regulations

A Report and Consent application is needed if you are varying a requirement of the Building Regulations. It cannot be used where the works have already started.

We recommend you consult with your Building Surveyor or designer prior to making an application to avoid unnecessary requests and delay. Please note there are set fees applicable to this sort of application regardless of the outcome.

If work has already started you will need to apply for a 'Report Only' application and we suggest you contact Council’s Building Team to discuss this on 9518 3555.

Please read the guidelines below before applying for Report and Consent. For more information, please contact Council on 9518 3555.

Apply online

The following documents are required to complete your application:

  • Copy of Title and approved plan of subdivision – including details of any covenants, Section 173 Agreements, or other restrictions that are applicable to the property;
  • Architectural drawings - drawings should be of a scale not less than 1:100 including floor plans and elevations, where applicable.
  • Site Plan and Site Analysis - showing all boundaries and setbacks, easements, existing building(s), proposed works, North point, adjoining property building locations, setbacks, the locations of habitable room windows, and other relevant information particular to your property to assist in considering your request.
  • Reason/Justification for the application - an application for ‘Report Only’ shall be accompanied by a written summary explaining how the application satisfies the ‘Ministers Guidelines’ and the ‘Monash Neighbourhood Character Study’ where applicable. These guidelines can be viewed here:

    Guidelines for report and consent to vary building regulations

    Monash Housing Strategy

Online application

Please note, applications will incur the following fee as per regulation:

  • Siting (Part 5) - $448.25
  • Regulation 153 (Flood prone), 154 (Designated land) or Part 6 (Projections beyond street alignment) - $320.20

Apply Online

If you require a paper-based form, please contact Council on 9518 3555.

In person

Visit Council’s Customer Service Centre.

Guidelines for report and consent to vary building regulations

Minister's Guidelines - Siting and Design of Single Dwellings(PDF, 216KB)

73(2) - Setback from a street alignment not complying with reg 73 (maximum)(PDF, 305KB)

74(4) - Setback from a street alignment not complying with reg 74 (minimum)(PDF, 394KB)

75(4) - Building height not complying with reg 75(PDF, 306KB)

76(4) - Site coverage not complying with reg 76(PDF, 382KB)

77(3) - Permeable surfaces not complying with at least 20% of allotment area reg 77(PDF, 242KB)

78(6) - Carparking spaces not complying with reg 78(PDF, 321KB)

79(6) - Side or rear boundary setbacks not complying with reg 79(PDF, 331KB)

80(6) - Walls or carports not complying with reg 80 (walls on boundaries)(PDF, 303KB)

81(6) - Building setbacks not complying with reg 81 (daylight to existing habitable room window)(PDF, 330KB)

82(5) - Building setbacks not complying with reg 82 (solar access to exist north facing windows)(PDF, 362KB)

83(3) - Building design not complying with reg 83 (overshadowing of recreational private open space)(PDF, 302KB)

84(9) - Window or raised open space not complying with reg 84 (overlooking)(PDF, 311KB)

85(3) - Building design not complying with reg 85 (daylight to habitable room window)(PDF, 298KB)

86(3) - Private Open Space not complying with reg 421(PDF, 309KB)

87(2) - Siting of appurtenant Class 10a buildings(PDF, 260KB)

89(3) - Front fence height not complying with reg 89(PDF, 370KB)

90(2) - Fence setback on side or rear boundary not complying with reg 90(PDF, 291KB)

91(5) - Length or height of side or rear boundary fence not complying with reg 91(PDF, 303KB)

92(2) - Fence within 9m of street intersection(PDF, 261KB)

94(6) - Fence setback not complying with reg 94 (daylight to existing habitable room window)(PDF, 288KB)

95(3) - Fence setback not complying with reg 95 (solar access to exist north facing windows)(PDF, 306KB)

96(3) - Fence design not complying with reg 96 (overshadowing of recreational private open space)(PDF, 342KB)

116 - visit Occupy Roadway