Antennas, Aerials and Poles

With structures like antennas and masts, the primary problem is height.

Very high structures can put unforeseen strain on fences, roofs or walls, posing a health and safety risk to residents and neighbours. These additions can also affect the surrounding community, as it may be permanently visible from a distance. This is why the installation of antennas, flagpoles and other structures is overseen by Council.

A planning permit is required before erecting an antenna or similar structure if:

  • Your property is on a block of land less than 300m2 in size
  • Your property is under a Heritage Overlay - this will only affect you if the structure you want to install is obviously a mismatch with the heritage appearance

Antennas attached to a Building

Is your antenna taller than 3m above the highest point of attachment to the building? Or, if you measure from the point where it is attached to the building; is it taller than 3m?

If it has more than one attachment to the building, measure from the highest. Three metres of mast or antenna towering above your roof is the limit before a building permit will be required.

You will not need a building permit to install a mast or antenna on your roof that is less than 3m above the highest point where it is attached. 

Freestanding Antennas

Is it more than 8m off the ground in height?

If your antenna or mast is more than 8m high, you will need a building permit. If you need an antenna this high because you are an amateur radio enthusiast, contact Amateur Radio Victoria for information about licenses and regulations affecting amateur radio.

You will not need a building permit if your antenna or mast is less than 8m from ground level.