Building Permit The form used to notify Council of intent to commence building on a particular site, or amend existing permit/application, or apply for extension of time.
Demolition and removal precautions Precautions must be taken before and during demolition in accordance with AS2601-2001, ‘The Demolition of Structures.
Property Owner Details - Protection Works Notice Application to Council requesting adjoining property owner details for the purpose of issuing Protection Work Notices.
Rainwater Tank, Grey Water A rainwater tank is not classifiable in accordance with the Building Code of Australia. However, under the Building Regulations 2018, it is building work associated with a Class 1a dwelling.
Siting Requirements Applicable to single dwellings and associated outbuildings on sites greater than 300m² in area and where the property is not located in a heritage area.
Shared Accommodation Guidelines for shared accommodation (Class 1b), or for altering an existing residence (Class 1a) to meet such guidelines.
Smoke Alarms Smoke alarms have been required to be installed in each existing dwelling or sole occupancy unit in appropriate locations on or near the ceiling of every storey.
Soil Investigation If you are building a house, an extension or making significant structural changes to an existing building, a soil report is a requirement of a building permit.
Temporary Structures Application form and guidelines (construction and maintenance of temporary structures and the definition of such structures).