About the Process

Construction site inspection

This section of the website is here to help you with building in Monash.

If you want to replace a fence, renovate your kitchen, even build an entire dwelling, there are laws and regulations in Australia to help guide you in building safely and suitably.

Monash Council takes the responsibility of ensuring that even minor building works meet the statutory requirements of the Building Act and Building Regulations. We will help you to identify if you need a permit, provide you with information on the rules and regulations, the necessary paperwork and, where possible, inform you of the fees potentially involved.

Property Information

Your ‘property information’ is generally referred to in connection with mortgages, zones, overlays and easements affecting your property. In turn this may affect your building plans. Please read details on how to view this information: Property Information.

There are several permits you may require in order to build in Monash. By offering permit services, Council is able to give you a virtually one-stop process to comply with the complex array of building legislation, related Acts and Regulations.

Building Permit

You will need a building permit to build almost anything. 

You may need a permit for:

  • Building or alterations/additions to a dwelling(s)
  • Demolishing a building
  • Heritage building works or demolition
  • Tree removal
  • Constructing a deck, verandah, front fence, swimming pool, spa and associated safety barriers
  • Asset protection.

When renovating, the extent and requirements of work determine the necessity of a building and/or planning permit and any other forms. In general, routine repair or maintenance of your home does not require a permit, however, it is best to contact Council to confirm.

Any work that involves structural changes requires a building permit from a Registered Building Surveyor and may require planning approval from Council.

Permit exemptions may apply for some works. It is recommended you contact Council to confirm you meet exemption requirements.

Council approval is required to build over an easement.

You may also need an Asset Protection Permit if your project involves things like road access, footpaths, drains, hoarding or access through Council reserves. For more information about asset protection permits, please see the Asset Protection section.

Planning Permit

Planning permits are legal documents that give permission to develop or use land for a specific purpose. Monash Council may require you to apply for one if you want to develop or use land:

  • For a commercial project
  • To subdivide into two or more lots
  • That is less than 300m2 in size
  • Under a Heritage Overlay
  • To lop or remove vegetation under the Vegetation Protection Overlay

You do not always need a planning permit, even when you need a building permit.

Common Projects

Council can also advise and help you with a lot of common building and planning questions about things such as:

Before building, it is recommended you contact Council for advice on 9518 3555.