Street Lighting
Street lighting is installed to help pedestrians on our footpaths, and Council’s standard is to have a street light about every 100m or on every second electricity pole.
Monash Council has installed environmentally sustainable light globes into street lights.
For more information, please read about Sustainable Lighting.
Street lights not working
Street light globes are replaced by United Energy typically every 4 years, or sooner if needed.
If a street light isn't working, you can report online at Report an outage - United Energy or contact United Energy on 132 099
Report other issues
We rely on residents to let us know if there is an issue with street lights. If you feel an area is too dark, please contact Council on 9518 3555 or report online.
Report Online
Council officers conduct inspections at night of specific areas if a concern is raised. Our typical response time is 3 weeks to ensure assessment conditions are appropriate, such as a full moon providing extra light not always afforded to the area.
Possible remedies may include trimming nature strip trees back to ensure street lights are effective and visible, or installing extra lighting.