Apply for Works Zone Parking Restrictions

A works zone is a parking restriction that provides for a dedicated area on the road carriageway for construction vehicles.

Under Rule 181 of Road Rules — Victoria:

A driver must not stop in a works zone unless the driver is driving a vehicle that is engaged in construction work in or near the zone.”

Before you apply

  1. Dimensioned Plan:
    • A dimensioned plan showing the road area and the location of the proposed works zone is required. This plan should include existing on-street parking arrangements and all street assets.
  2. Photographs of Existing Parking Signs:
    • Please provide photographs of the nearest existing parking signs to the proposed works zone area. Ensure that these signs are clearly noted on your plan.
  3. Works Zone Location:
    • The works zone must be situated immediately in front of the construction site. It may only extend up to the width of the property it serves, unless written permission from a neighbour has been obtained and approved by Council.
    • The works zone must be within a legal parking area and generally cannot be located within a ‘No Stopping’, ‘No Parking’, ‘Disabled Parking’ or ‘Bus zone'.
    • Works zones will not be supported in situations that are deemed unsatisfactory by Council’s Transport Engineering Department.
    • Works zones can be considered outside No Stopping/Parking restriction hours if the No Stopping/Parking restriction is not full time.
    • Where construction works may impact an existing bus stop, the Department of Transport and Planning must be contacted for bus stop relocation. For further information, please read: Important information regarding relocations of bus stops (
  4. Works Zone Time:
    • The works zone is generally valid during the following hours: 7am-5pm Monday to Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday.
    • The minimum works zone duration for new home construction is 9 months.
    • The minimum works zone duration for renovation is 3 months.
  5. Application Timing:
    • Submit your application at least 5 weeks before you require the works zone to be in place. This allows time for:
      • Assessment of your application
      • Payment of your invoice (if your application is successful)
      • Manufacture and installation of works zone signs.

Construction Vehicles

Council does not issue permits for individual vehicles in a works zone. All vehicles that are engaged in construction works can legally stop in a works zone.

Expiry and extensions of time

Council will remove signage when the restriction duration is expired and the applicant has not applied for an extension.

If you need to extend the duration of the works zone restriction, you can apply for an extension by clicking the below button.


Step 1.Works Zone Parking Restrictions

Apply or extend online

Step 2.Occupy Roadway Permit

You need to apply separately for an Occupy Roadway Permit if you want occupy part of a road for other activities. For further details please visit Occupy Roadway or contact Council’s Asset Protection Department on 9518 3555.