Parking Concerns
I can’t find a parking space around railway stations
Providing commuter carparking is a state government responsibility.
We do however understand that it’s difficult to find long-term parking so that you can use the train, and Council tries to help rail commuters and promote the use of sustainable transport, by allowing free unrestricted parking along one side of many of the surrounding residential streets where possible.
Council continues to advocate for additional rail commuter parking to be provided and, in 2015, Monash gained a new multi-deck carpark for all-day parking at Syndal Railway Station.
Many of the carparks around Glen Waverley Station have short term restrictions to ensure parking turnover for our local businesses. Historically local businesses have made a financial contribution to these parking spaces.
Vehicles park too close to my driveway and it’s hard to get out
Cars are allowed to park next to and opposite your driveway as shown in the image below. At times this can make driveway access difficult however, it is unfortunately a common issue and it’s not practical for Council to install restrictions around every driveway to address this issue.
What steps you can take:
Speak to your neighbours – if it’s your neighbours making accessing your property difficult, have a chat with them and explain the issue and request that they leave sufficient gap to make it easier for you.
Request Council’s parking officers to attend – It’s illegal to overhang or block a driveway. If someone is parking illegally, get in contact with our parking officers in our Community Laws team by calling 9518 3555. We can then dispatch an officer to investigate.
Widen your driveway – All new driveways must be a minimum of 3m wide, if you have an older property your driveway may be narrower than this. A wider driveway may help with your access issues. Speak to us about how you can widen your crossover. Vehicle Crossing (driveways and crossovers).
Did you know?
Vehicles are legally allowed to park opposite a driveway.

There are large vehicles parked in my street obstructing sight lines
Standard parking rules apply to vehicles that are less than 7.5m in length and weigh less than 4.5 tonnes (Gross Vehicle Mass).
We understand larger vehicles can make sight lines for exiting your driveway difficult, but it is not practical or sustainable for Council to install restrictions around every driveway.
What steps you can take:
Speak to your neighbours – if it’s your neighbours obstructing your sight lines, have a chat with them and explain the issue and request that they leave sufficient gap to make it easier for you.
Position your vehicle – when exiting, try and position your vehicle as shown below so that you can look through gaps.
Reverse into your driveway – this allows you to exit in a forward direction.
Slowly edge out – exit slowly to allow an oncoming vehicle to see you and slow or go around you if needed.

Can I park on my nature strip?
It’s an offence under the Road Safety Road Rules to park on a nature strip.
Council uses its discretion not to enforce this road rule, provided that a resident parks on the nature strip that is in front of their own home, the vehicle is parked safely, facing the direction of travel, there is no hazard to other road users and the nature strip is not damaged.
Residents who choose to park on a nature strip are always at risk of being fined by police.
Can hockey stick line marking be installed to stop people parking too close to my driveway?
Vehicles are allowed to park along the straight section of the nature strip but not where the kerb starts to curve into the driveway.
If vehicles are overhanging driveways, our Community Laws department can attend. While railway commuters and parents at school drop-off or pick-up time may not park in the same location each day, they do tend to park in the same area. If they receive a ticket, or notice a ticket on a nearby car, they will take more care parking in the future.
As a last resort and if enforcement is not having the desired outcome, Council may install hockey stick line marking. However, there are a few negatives:
Hockey stick line marking is not enforceable. It's only used as a guide to encourage motorists to park appropriately.
- Hockey stick line marking looks unsightly when there are no parked vehicles, such as on weekends.
- If the hockey stick line marking is installed along both sides of the street it gives the appearance of a single central lane, so vehicles tend not to keep left when travelling along the street. This affects vehicle flow along the street.
Our general rationale when installing hockey stick marking is to consider only:
- On the side of the street that has significant and regular non-residential parking.
- Where there are regular patrols of the area and infringements have not had the desired outcome.
- Where the majority of the affected street is in support.

My neighbour parks their caravan/trailer/boat/truck on the street
A boat, trailer, caravan or dilapidated vehicle cannot be parked on the street for more than 7 consecutive days or for more than 8 days in any period of 14 days.
More information can be found at: City of Monash Local Law 3
It’s important to note that regular parking rules apply to vehicles if they:
- have a current registration, and
- are less than 7.5m in length and weigh less than 4.5 tonnes (Gross Vehicle Mass)
Vehicles heavier or longer than this cannot park in a local street for more than an hour at a time.
If you own a large vehicle, please be considerate of your neighbours and park on your property.
Vehicles are parked too close to the intersection and I can’t see to get out of my street
The Road Rules state that vehicles must not park within 10m of an intersection.
If vehicles are parking within this area, let us know and we can see what we can do to help:
Report parking concern

Vehicles park in front of my bins
What you can do:
- Try to place your bins away from parked vehicles.
- Park your vehicles inside your property on waste collection days.
- If bins are missed, please give us a call and we can organise the truck to come back.
More information on waste collection: How to place your bin
Vehicles are parked along both sides of my street, can Council install restrictions?
Vehicles are permitted to park along both sides of the street, provided there is a 3m gap between the vehicles to allow for through traffic.
We do understand that long lines of vehicles parking along both sides of a street can be a safety concern and Council can consider, where needed, restricting parking so that non-residential parking occurs along one side of the road only.
The occasional residential vehicle parked along the restricted side of the street can assist in slowing the speed at which vehicles can travel along the street.
If non-residential vehicles are parked along both sides of your street, and you think parking restrictions are needed, please read through our Parking Restrictions FAQs and then fill out this form:
Report parking concern
Can Council install or change the parking restrictions to help my business?
In Activity Centres or Industrial Areas, the parking restrictions are aimed at providing a fair balance for all businesses and will not generally be changed to suit the needs of an individual business.
Restrictions are aimed at ensuring adequate turnover, with the most convenient or closest parking to the busiest location having the shortest restrictions, and longer parking availability a little further away.
Nevertheless, we understand the parking needs for areas change over time and if there is support for parking restriction changes from the businesses surrounding you, please fill out this form and our Transport Engineering Team will investigate further.
Report parking concern