We’re helping Mannix College put food waste to good use

students at mannix college celebrate their successful recycling program

Monash Council offers free Food and Garden Waste Recycling (green bin services) to schools in Monash with the aim of reducing the amount of food waste sent to landfill.

The Monash Food Waste Recycling Program started as a trial back in 2022 and, following the success of this initial trial, eight schools and colleges now participate in food waste recycling.

Mannix College, a residential college in Clayton, joined the program in mid-2023 and, in partnership with Council, it has been able to set a new benchmark for environmental action by addressing important food waste challenges with spectacular results.

Sustainable Monash’s education team has been working with Mannix since last year, helping to deliver the food waste recycling program.

“This program falls under our Sustainability Education Program, which we promote to primary and secondary schools across Monash,” Naomi, Monash Sustainability Educator, said. “Schools can take part in the program and receive free Council-serviced Food and Garden Waste bins, to begin diverting food scraps and organics from landfill.

“Mannix College, a student accommodation partnering with Monash University, has kept a record of food waste diverted and recently let us know just how successful they have been. The results have been amazing.”

In a little less than 12 months since first taking part in the program, Mannix - which supports more than 300 university students with accommodation - has managed to divert a staggering 9600 kilograms of food waste away from landfill. Instead, it is collected by Council and taken to be processed at commercial composting facilities – the equivalent weight of six or seven medium sized family cars repurposed and put to good use.

Mannix faced significant challenges in managing the food waste produced in its dining hall, which serves three meals daily to its residents.

But strong environmental leadership, education and active student participation led the school to completely overhaul its waste management practices in 2023. By participating in Council’s School Food Waste Recycling Program, the College was able to install organic waste bins in the dining hall, which could then be emptied into Council-serviced Food and Garden Waste bins.

Monash then processes the waste at local facilities, where it is recycled into valuable, nutrient-rich compost for Victorian gardens and farms.

The project has produced some 3840 kg of nutrient-rich compost, significantly reducing the college's environmental footprint and promoting sustainability. The success of the initiative is marked by a 60 per cent reduction in food waste, which prevents approximately 32 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually - the equivalent of taking eight petrol-powered passenger cars off the road per year or replicating the annual efforts of 15 hectares of forest.

The entire Mannix community has united to drive the success of this project,” Principal Andrew Swan said. “The active participation of students, faculty, dining services, and administrative staff has been vital in integrating sustainable practices into our everyday operations.”

More than 300 students and 20 staff members participated in educational campaigns, workshops and training sessions, promoting awareness and proper waste segregation practices. Students led grassroots efforts, including social media projects and community volunteering, while staff provided support through procurement actions and reporting.

“The positive impact of our collective efforts is palpable, influencing individuals, our community, and the organisational culture at Mannix College,” Mr Swan said. "Each meal here contributes to our sustainability journey, a testament to the dedication of our entire community."

Mannix College's initiative serves as an outstanding example of how local schools and colleges can drive sustainable change and achieve powerful results through collective action.

Sustainability for Schools and Community Groups

If you are a teacher, school staff member, parent or student interested in diverting food waste from landfill, feel free to contact our Sustainability Team at sustainability@monash.vic.gov.au to discuss recycling options.

As part of the Sustainability Education Program, Council also offers a range of FREE education outreach options for schools and community groups in the City of Monash. These include school visits, resources, and workshops. Topics we can cover include waste and recycling; circular economy and waste reduction; biodiversity and nature; and composting.

Learn more about our programs: Sustainability for Schools and Community Groups | City of Monash


Sustainable Monash – Handy links, News and Events

To learn more about how to recycle food and garden waste at home, or what happens to your food waste once it is collected, please visit our website:

Food and garden waste recycling tips | City of Monash

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