Quick Response Grant Program

We are committed to supporting community groups and artists to remain agile and responsive to issues that arise in the local Monash community.

The General Quick Response Grant stream is designed to support local community groups and individual creative efforts to assist in strengthening community and building cohesion and whose project, program or issue may arise outside of the normal funding cycle of the Monash Community Grant Program. 

This program ensures that Council can continue to support community groups to respond to issues as they arise. 

Grant allocations

2022-2023 Quick Response Grants - Allocation Summary(PDF, 117KB)

Quick Response Grants Recipients - Report to Council Meeting on 26 April 2023(PDF, 202KB)

Quick Response Grants Recipients - Report to Council Meeting on 31 January 2023(PDF, 208KB)

Quick Response Grants Recipients - Report to Council Meeting on 29 November 2022(PDF, 267KB)

Funding available

Applicants are able to apply for up to $5,000. The General Quick Response Grants are open for activities that will take place between 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025.


Eligibility for the Quick Response Grant (QRG) is consistent with the Monash Community Grants Program, with the exception that individual artists with ABN are eligible to apply for a QRG. To be eligible to receive a Quick Response Grant, applicants must:

  • Be an incorporated community group with not-for-profit status or auspiced by an eligible organisation or be an individual artist with an ABN
  • Deliver the funded activity/services within the City of Monash boundaries
  • Maintain public liability insurance cover for a minimum of $20 million
  • Have no debts to Council and have completed all previous Monash Community Grants Program funding acquittal requirements
  • Be able to deliver the project by 30 June 2025

Grants that address the following issues are encouraged:

  • Building community and cultural connections
  • Loneliness
  • Mental health
  • Family violence
  • Gender equality
  • Health promotion (increasing healthy eating and physical activity, reducing alcohol consumption, gambling and smoking)
  • Community safety
  • Early parenting
  • First Nations
  • Initiatives promoting racial tolerance and inter-culturalism

Previous funding from other Monash Council Grants Programs has no effect on an applicant’s eligibility to apply, however projects that have been funded through the program in previous years are not eligible to reapply.

If you have an innovative idea, please contact the Monash Community Grants Team on 9518 3555 or at monash.grants@monash.vic.gov.au to discuss it.

What won’t be funded

Items that are ineligible for funding in the Monash Community Grants Program (MCPG) are also ineligible for funding through the QRG. A full list can be found in the MCGP Policy and includes the following that will not be funded:

  • Commercial/for-profit projects/services
  • Fundraising activities
  • Capital infrastructure
  • Gifts and prizes
  • Groups who meet in venues that have Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs)
  • Projects/services that are inconsistent with Council’s objectives; partisan political in nature or that duplicate other existing projects/services
  • Community groups who hold significant financial reserves
  • Those that are the funding responsibility of another tier of governments. 

Application process

Step 1.Read guidelines

Please read the description below each stream to determine which grant is the most appropriate for your project and/or your organisation.

For more information, please read 2024-25 Quick Response Grant Guidelines(PDF, 267KB)

Step 2.Apply

Apply online through SmartyGrants:

SmartyGrants portal

Step 3.Assessment

Applications will be checked for eligibility, then reviewed internally by Council Officers and assessed against the Assessment Criteria listed below.

  1. Addresses an evidence-based community need or opportunity
  2. Relevance to Council’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan
  3. The number of Monash residents that will benefit
  4. The capacity of the organisation/community/individual to undertake the project
  5. Budget expenditure 

Step 4.Timeframe

Applications will close on 12 May 2025 or until allocation of funds is exhausted.

Applications will be assessed by an internal Council Officer Panel. Applicants will receive a response from Council within 6 weeks of the application being received.

Once receiving notification of a successful application, applicants must commence the project within 4 weeks and completed by 30 June 2025. All successful applications will be formally acknowledged at the next applicable Council meeting.

Step 5.Acquittal

An online acquittal must be completed through SmartyGrants at the conclusion of the funded activity.

Step 6.More information

For assistance or more information, email us at monash.grants@monash.vic.gov.au or call the Community Grants Team on 9518 3555.