Notting Hill Neighbourhood House grant profile
In 2024, Notting Hill Neighbourhood House received a Monash Community Grant to host a Pride Party as part of its Pride Month celebrations.
It was the first time the neighbourhood house had held such an event, with the main aim being to provide a safe, accessible and welcoming space for the local LGBTIQA+ communities within Monash and beyond.
Importantly, this event also aligned with the strategic themes of community engagement and lifelong learning at the Neighbourhood House.
The Notting Hill Neighbourhood House collaborated with local LGBTIQA+ communities to organise and shape the celebration, fostering a deep sense of ownership and belonging within the Neighbourhood House and the broader community.
There was a great mix of food, trivia, education and fun. The Neighbourhood House also considered the needs for quiet space and had both first aid officers and mental health first aid officers onsite that were clearly pointed out to attendees during the housekeeping segment of the event.
Over $2.5 million in community grants was awarded to community groups and organisations in 2024 to deliver projects, activities and events to strengthen, enhance and benefit the Monash community.