LGBTIQA+ Resources and Support Services

Pride flag in pen holder on a desk

GLBTIQ stands for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer.

LGBTIQA+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer/questioning, and asexual. The plus sign serves to signify and acknowledge the inexhaustive nature of this collection of terms.


  • LGBTIQA+ Inclusive Language Guide: This LGBTIQA+ language guide explains how to use language respectfully and inclusively when working with and referring to LGBTIQA+ people.

  • GLBTIQ Multicultural Directory: Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council has a directory of GLBTIQ multicultural groups and other resources.

  • LGBTIQA+ Ally Guide: The Victorian government has developed a tip sheet to help support people to be better allies to the LGBTIQA+ community.

  • LGBTIQA+ posters: The Victorian Department of Health provides a range of LGBTIQA+ inclusive posters that can be edited with your logo and printed and displayed.

  • Rainbow Ready roadmap - Community groups: This LGBTIQA+ Inclusive Practice Guide is for community groups to become more LGBTIQA+ inclusive and sustainable. Community groups may include social, support, youth and sporting groups

  • Rainbow Resource for Victorian Councils: The Rainbow Resource for Victorian Councils provides many examples of creative, innovative and imaginative work being done by agencies and councils supporting and engaging local LGBTIQA+ communities.

  • Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion in Sport: This guide from Minus18 is aimed at sporting clubs, organisations and staff, specifically regarding complying with the Equal Opportunity Act 2010. It can also help individuals and players understand their rights

  • Proud2Play Resource Hub: Proud2Play has a range of resources for sports clubs to help foster LGBTIQA+ inclusion and acceptance, including posters, tip sheets and templates. 

Support services

Rainbow Door (Switchboard Victoria)

Free specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family.

T: 1800 729 367

Q-Life (Switchboard Victoria)

A community-based not-for-profit organisation that provides a peer-based, volunteer-run support service for LGBTIQA+ people and their friends, families and allies. Also includes a LGBTIQA+ community visitors program for older people. 

T: 1800 184 527

Out and About (Switchboard Victoria)

Free volunteer visiting service for older LGBTI+ people across Victoria which aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness through creating peer friendships and community connections. 

T: 1800 729 367

13 YARN 

A 24/7 crisis support line for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people funded by the Australian Government with the support of Lifeline and developed in collaboration with Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia. It is run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and is LGBTIQA+ friendly. 

T: 13 92 76


A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. 

T: 13 11 14

Victorian Pride Centre

The Victorian Pride Centre is the first purpose-built centre for Australia's LGBTIQA+ communities.  



Minus18 is Australia’s organisation for LGBTIQA+ youth. They address  homophobia and transphobia through events, support, training and campaigns. 


Victorian Pride Lobby 

A volunteer advocacy group working toward equality and social justice for the Victorian LGBTIQA+ community. 


Rainbow network 

A listing of LGBTIQA+ groups for young people throughout Victoria  
