First Nations services and programs
Below is a list of services in the Eastern Metropolitan Region that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place
A community-controlled Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation based in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne.
Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place is committed to keeping, promoting and strengthening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural identity.
Murnong First Peoples Gathering Place
This Gathering Place, located at 100 High Street, Glen Iris, provides a safe and secure place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to connect and engage in wellbeing, cultural and education activities and engage with the broader non-Aboriginal community.
For more information email
Oonah Health and Community Services Aboriginal Corporation
A not-for-profit Indigenous health service. They offer a range of services to support the health and wellbeing of the Community in the Inner and outer East of Melbourne.
Victorian Aboriginal Childcare Agency
A state-wide Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation that supports children, young people, families and community members.
Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service
A specialist Aboriginal-specific family violence service.