Generating Equality and Respect Program
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The Generating Equality and Respect program was a three year, prevention of violence against women program funded by VicHealth. It was a partnership between Monash City Council, Link Health and Community and VicHealth.
The program took place between 2012-2015 and aimed to prevent violence against women before it occurs by building communities, cultures and organisations that are gender equitable, and promote equal and respectful relationships between men and women through addressing the underlying drivers of violence against women.
What activities occurred?
- Link Health and Community and Monash City Council underwent organisational culture change to promote respect and gender equality within the workplace. This was extended into the broader Monash community through the promotion of gender equity in their service delivery, policy, planning and practice.
- Baby Makes 3, a program delivered through Maternal Child Health Services which promotes equal and respectful relationships between first time parents during the transition to parenthood. The program also built the capacity of Maternal and Child Health nurses to promote gender equity and father inclusion.
- A local network, Monash Partners in Prevention Network, was established to support youth practitioners to deliver good practice respectful relationships education in their work with young people and promote gender equality through their programs and services.
- Established a partnership with a local male dominated corporate workplace to support gender equality and respectful relationships through training and organisational cultural change.
The key program activities were adapted from VicHealth's Respect, Responsibility and Equality projects. For more information on any of these projects, please visit: VicHealth - Respect, Responsibility and Equality projects.
What did the program achieve?
Evaluation report
Generating Equality and Respect Evaluation Report(PDF, 4MB)
Generating Equality and Respect Evaluation Report - Summary(PDF, 1MB)
Tools and resources
The following tools and resources provide key learning and practice insights from the program:
Applying a gender lens in the workplace(PDF, 625KB)
Establishing a local Partners in Prevention Network(PDF, 1MB)
Staff training on gender equity and the prevention of violence against women(PDF, 811KB)
Supporting gender equity in the workplace(PDF, 928KB)
Taking a local lead: a transferable model for site-based prevention of violence against women programs(PDF, 396KB)
Guide to site selection for site-based prevention of violence against women programs(PDF, 1MB)
Picture booklist: Challenging Gender Stereotypes
Picture books can be used to encourage discussions, broader thinking and directly challenge harmful gender stereotypes. This picture booklist aims to provide parents, teachers and carers with a range of stories which provide broader ideas about who girls, boys, women, men and people who identify as diverse genders can be, what they can be interested in and achieve.
It is important to challenge gender stereotypes to ensure children’s aspirations are not limited by traditional ideas about what girls and boys and women and men can do.
Picture booklist - booklet(PDF, 8MB)
Picture booklist - poster(PDF, 2MB)
Gender Equity Framework
Following consultation with our community and across Council, at its meeting on 22 February 2022, Council adopted our new Gender Equity Framework.
The Gender Equity Framework builds upon the previous Gender Equity Strategy 2015-2020. The new Gender Equity Framework includes a policy statement, principles and recommendations to ensure that Council continues to exceed its obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020 and to our community.
Plans and Strategies: Gender Equity Framework
Gender Equity Advisory Committee
Council has established a Gender Equity Advisory Committee to provide Council with advice on improving gender equity within the Monash community, to actively encourage women’s full and equal participation in community life and the implementation of the Gender Equity Strategy.
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For further information, please call Tracey Egan, Gender Equity Officer, on 9518 3269 or email