Family Violence Support

Supporting family members


Everyone in our community deserves to be safe and respected. Unfortunately, family violence can happen to anyone. 

You can break the cycle of violence. There are support services available to help you 24/7. 

If a person is in immediate danger, call 000 and ask for police. 

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National and Statewide Family and Sexual Violence Services

1800 RESPECT  

The national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. It is a free and confidential service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Anyone who needs support can contact 1800RESPECT including people who experience violence and those who want to support someone in the situation of family violence. 

Safe Steps 

Victoria's 24/7 Family Violence Response Centre providing specialist support services for anyone experiencing or afraid of family violence. 

Call 1800 015 188  

Sexual Assault Crisis Line

A state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault. During standard business hours this number will connect you with one of the local Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault which can provide counselling services or referrals to legal and healthcare services. 

Eastern Region Family and Sexual Violence Services

Orange Door  

A free and confidential support service for everyone if you are feeling unsafe or have experienced family violence. The Orange Door network in Inner Eastern Melbourne is open Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. For Box Hill: 

Call 1800 354 322 

Kara Family Violence Service  

Confidential specialist support and services for people experiencing family violence in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 

Call 03 9899 5666 

Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault 

Free counselling and support service to people who have experienced sexual assault either recently or in the past. The main office is in Ringwood with outreach sites including Box Hill. 

Call 03 9870 7330 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Services

Beyond Blue

A reliable source of mental health information, support, and hope. Beyond Blue provides information about anxiety, depression and suicide to the Australian community.  

Call 1300 224 636 


National charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with support and suicide prevention services. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

Services for People with Disabilities

Safe Steps 

The Disability and Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative (DFVCRI) at Safe Steps assists victim-survivors with a disability who are experiencing family violence to access the services and supports they need to stay safe, quickly.

Call 1800 015 188

Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples


Crisis support run by, and for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and provides a culturally safe space to speak about their needs, worries or concerns. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

Call 13 92 76  

Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Services  

Provides a culturally safe service that assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from the Eastern Metropolitan Region in their healing journey to address the impacts of family violence. 

Call 03 9212 0200

Services for LGBITQA+ People

Rainbow Door

A free specialist LGBTIQA+ service providing information, support, and referral to all LGBITQA+ Victorians and their friends and family. Available 10am to 5pm, 7 days a week.  

Call 1800 729 367 


WithRespect is a Victorian family violence and intimate partner violence service supporting LGBTIQA+ communities and their families.  

Call: 1800 542 847 (1800 LGBTIQ)  

Services for people from migrant and refugee communities


Provides services, programs and responses to family violence in migrant and refugee communities. Available 9am to 5pm.  

Translating and Interpreting Service 

If you are experiencing abuse and need a translator, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call 1800 RESPECT (Australia-wide) on 1800 737 732, or Safe Steps (Victoria) on 1800 015 188.

Both services are open 24 hours. 

Call 131 450

Services for Men

MensLine Australia 

MensLine Australia offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support for men with concerns about mental health, anger management, family violence (using and experiencing), addiction, relationship, stress and wellbeing. 

Call 1300 78 99 78 

Mens Referral Service  

Mens Referral Services (No to Violence) provides a range of services to support men at risk of or using family violence, who are concerned about their behaviour and want to change to keep women, children and communities safer. 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 6pm weekends.  

Services for Older People

Confidential hotline if you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse. Available Monday to Friday between 10am to 5pm.

Call 1300 368 821  

Services for Young People

Kids Helpline  

Private and confidential phone and online counselling service for people aged 5 to 25. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

Call 1800 55 1800