Notting Hill Neighbourhood House

Notting Hill Neighbourhood House has a hall and two classrooms available for hire.

The centre provides friendly access, including full ambulant toilets, automatic doors and wheelchair ramps.

The two classrooms can be combined or divided (as required).

The spaces can be hired out for public, community-based and/or cultural meetings, gatherings and events. Rooms are charged by the hour, with a minimum hire of 2 hours.  

Please contact Notting Hill Neighbourhood House directly for all booking enquiries. (Council has no access to their booking system)

Notting Hill Neighbourhood House booking:
9561 0114

Features include:

  • Two rooms that can be merged or divided (4.5m x 6.2m and 7.3m x 4.7m)
  • Hall (7.4m x 13.6m)
  • Air-conditioning and heating
  • Full-service kitchen facilities
  • Ambulant toilets
  • Wheelchair ramps
  • Automatic door


37 Westerfield Drive, Notting Hill 3168  View Map

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