Waverley Model Railway Club - Men's Shed Inc.
Established in 1970, we are a South-East Melbourne based community of small-scale railway enthusiast and modellers. Our members enjoy coming together to share their passion, hone skills, pass on and acquire knowledge, and run small-scale railways.
We hold an annual model railway exhibition on the King's Birthday weekend in June at the Brandon Park Community Centre, where the club displays some of our exhibition layouts, along with guest layouts from other clubs and individuals, as well as how-to displays where the public can ask questions and learn more about the hobby.
Railway modelling offers a wide range of areas of interest including woodworking to build club or exhibition modules, laying track, wiring, lighting, electronics, DCC, computer systems, sound systems in locomotives, construction of scenery, bridges, roads, buildings, weathering, and even run trains.
Facilities include:
- Extensive permanent HO/OO and N scale, DCC controlled, layouts
- Construction and storage areas for new and existing demountable layouts
- Meeting room, administrative office, library and storage rooms
- Kitchen and toilet facilities
- Off-street car parking
To learn more about our club, please email us on info@waverleymrc.org.au or visit our website waverleymrc.org.au