Oakleigh South Primary School
I am proud to be the principal of Oakleigh South Primary School. I began my association with the school as a teacher at the former Beryl Street site in 1987. The enrolment then was 109 and I have seen the school grow to approximately 1000 students. In 2000, we orchestrated the move to the school’s present site – the former Huntingdale High School; a quiet area of Oakleigh South, with beautiful grounds nestled in between Metropolitan and Huntingdale Golf Courses.
We pride ourselves in offering all students a wide range of success orientated opportunities in a safe and caring environment. We value and encourage high academic achievement with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, as a basis for all further learning, followed by developing the whole child in the areas of music, visual arts, sport and sustainability.
Our programs are designed to cater for a diverse range of learning styles and student abilities with opportunities for support or enrichment at all levels. We utilise a range of information and communication technologies to enhance the learning program. Our modern learning centre allows for flexible teaching and learning programs. The school has a dedicated staff catering for all our students.
We continue to revise and develop our approach to student wellbeing to ensure all students are engaged and connected with the school. We promote the values of excellence, respect, integrity & working together and encourage our students to be persistent, trustworthy, tolerant and actively involved in their school.
Focusing on family/school partnerships and developing the school as a community hub is a priority. Our excellent facilities enable us to host many after school activities, community and weekend sporting events.
The challenge ahead is to provide for our growing school community in all areas of staffing, resources and facilities. We have excellent communication occurring with our regional and central offices to ensure this happens. Our workforce is an excellent mix of youth, experience and enthusiasm and we continue to attract the highest quality staff to Oakleigh South.
I trust you will enjoy your time with us and invite you to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Ron Cantlon
Oakleigh South Primary School,
Riley St South Oakleigh,
Oakleigh South 3167
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Riley St South Oakleigh ,
Oakleigh South 3167
Oakleigh South Primary School
Riley St South Oakleigh ,
Oakleigh South 3167
Oakleigh South Primary School