Monash University Teddy Bear Hospital


The Monash University Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH) is a non-profit, student-led paediatrics interest group that was established in 2009 under Monash University Medical Students’ Society (MUMUS). We aim to reduce ‘white coat anxiety’ in children by helping them foster positive relationships with healthcare professionals in their formative years.

Our team works to host over 30 primary school events annually across metropolitan and rural Victoria. These interactive incursions aim to familiarise children with the GP/hospital setting, raise awareness about the importance of healthy-living and reinforce the schools’ health education syllabus. Our enthusiastic medical student volunteers guide children and their teddies through various educational stations including Teddy X-Ray, Teddy Surgery and Teddy GP Clinic. 

Teddy Bear Hospital also engages in many community events, often in conjunction with Monash Children’s Hospital (MCH), such as the annual ‘Walk for MCH’ in March. 

For the most up to date information regarding our events, please email us at