Upgrade to Cameron Avenue Reserve (Oakleigh)

Submissions closed on 05 March 2021, 11:59 PM

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Council is undertaking an exciting project to create a connected playspace area at Cameron Avenue Reserve and Progress Park, Oakleigh South.

Consultation on this connected playspace closed on Monday 7 June 2021

For more information, go to: New Cameron Avenue Reserve & Progress Park (Oakleigh South) playspace


Council has received funding from the Victorian Government through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Suburban Parks Program to create a pocket parkat Cameron Avenue Reserve. Additionally we will construct a pedestrian friendly shared space along Pitt Street, Oakleigh South. 

As a first step, Council sought community ideas on what to include in the new playspace until Friday 5 March 2021.

These ideas will be used to develop a draft design which we will then seek community feedback on.

Please note that the adjacent Progress Park playspace, which currently has an old playground that is at the end of its useful life, is currently being designed. Preliminary consultation for this playspace was conducted in June 2020.  A concept plan for this playspace will be available for the community to see and comment on around mid-2021.

With this in mind, future design work for Cameron Avenue Reserve will only consider ideas that are appropriate for a reserve of this size and provide new family friendly social recreational opportunities.

Cameron Avenue Reserve plan for preliminary consultation(PDF, 428KB)

More information

If you would like to discuss this matter, please contact:

Kate Dunlop, Recreation Project Officer
Call: 9518 3003
Email: recreation@monash.vic.gov.au

Note: The information obtained through this playspace survey will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law.

If you wish to gain access to, or alter any personal information you have supplied within this survey, please email recreation@monash.vic.gov.au


Cameron Avenue, Oakleigh South 3167  View Map

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