Revised Footpath Trading and Access Policy 2018

Submissions closed on 08 May 2018, 11:59 PM

Footpath Trading.jpg

Consultation on the Revised Footpath Trading and Access Policy 2018 commenced on 10 April 2018 closed on 9 May 2018.

In response, Council received 923 submissions, including 334 signatories accompanying the Oakleigh Village Traders Association submission.

94.58% of participants expressed the view that they were not in support of the proposed changes for a range of reasons, but primarily relating to the impact on a person’s ability to smoke in an outdoor trading area.

At its June meeting Council noted the report and the outcome of the consultation and the policy remains unchanged.

Please read: Report to Council Meeting 26 June 2018(PDF, 169KB).

Attachment 1(PDF, 753KB)

Attachment 2(PDF, 252KB)

More information is available under Item 1.5 (Minutes) to the Council Meeting held on 26 June 2018(PDF, 255KB).

Current policy: Footpath Trading and Access Policy


Monash Council was reviewing its Footpath Trading and Access Policy to ensure its outdoor trading areas build on the city’s reputation as a foodie destination. Council sought community feedback on the proposed changes.

Council’s vision for its outdoor trading areas is for vibrant, attractive and family-friendly areas where the enjoyment and serving of food is the focus.

When a local business wants to make use of an outdoor trading area on Council-owned land, as part of Council’s assessment of these requests under the revised Footpath Trading Policy, we will be wanting to ensure that traders make food available for consumption in these areas at all times, rather than restrict areas to drinking only.

Please read: Revised Footpath Trading and Access Policy 2018(PDF, 708KB)

The main changes are to sections 1.2 (Council's vision for outdoor trading areas) and 4.2 (Council’s vision for Eaton Mall).