Council has recently sought community views on the residential parking permit system in Monash and how it could be improved.
Under the current system, residents who live in streets where there are parking restrictions can receive free parking permits from Council. These permits enable residents to park in 'permit only' spots or in 'time restricted' spots near their homes without any time restrictions. Up to two parking permits can be issued for a stand-alone home, while one permit per unit can be issued for a site with 2-4 units.
Residents of blocks with five or more dwellings are not eligible for any parking permits. Instead, developers of new multi-unit developments are encouraged to provide enough off-street parking to meet the needs of their future residents.
In recent months, several residents across Monash have told Council that they need more permits than they are eligible for under the current system. In response to these concerns, Council decided to review its policy. As the first step in this review, we asked people to give us their views on the current system and their suggestions for improvement.
We sought this initial feedback by Friday 28 November 2014. We used this feedback to develop a revised policy which has gone out for community comment in February/March 2015.