The Framework has been developed as a tool for clubs and Council to work together to achieve a shared vision for community outcomes through sport. The five-year program (2022 – 2027) seeks to support and incentivise clubs to achieve all proposed governance and management requirements within a five-year time period, and become more sustainable, resilient, accountable and welcoming.
The Active Monash Sports Club Framework was adopted at the 25 August 2020 Council meeting.
Active Monash Sports Club Framework 2022-2027(PDF, 566KB)
More information:
Report to Council Meeting 25 August 2020(PDF, 164KB)
Minutes of Council Meeting 25 August 2020, item 2.3(PDF, 731KB)
Summary of Community Consultation & Engagement(PDF, 679KB)
At its meeting on 26 May 2020, Council resolved to release the Draft Active Monash Sports Club Development Framework to the community for feedback. Council sought community feedback until 6pm, Friday 10 July 2020.
Read more:
Report to Council Meeting 26 May 2020(PDF, 152KB)
Decisions of Council Meeting 26 May 2020, item 2.3(PDF, 432KB)
The Active Monash Sports Club Framework, has been developed as a tool for clubs and Council to work together to achieve a shared vision for community outcomes through sport. The Framework seeks to support and build the capacity of community clubs to become more sustainable, inclusive and welcoming through learning and development opportunities in areas of diversity, respect and social responsibility.
The Active Monash Sports Club Framework is a proposed five-year program (2021-2026) that aims to support and incentivise clubs to achieve all proposed governance and management requirements within a five-year time period and become a gold level accredited Active Monash club.
The Active Monash Sports Club Framework looks to capitalise on Council’s investment in sport and recreation by enhancing the capacity of clubs that use its facilities to improve community and broader social outcomes. Specifically, better clubs means more opportunities for people to participate in activities that create positive social change.
More information
Recreation Services
Phone: 9518 3555