Monash Waste Management Strategy
Council is currently developing a new strategy to help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and to improve your range of waste services. These services include your regular household bin collections, street sweeping and the annual hard rubbish collection.
The Waste Strategy will be our roadmap for the future of Council’s Waste and Resource Recovery Management Services. It will list Council’s responsibilities and priorities for the waste generated within our municipality, and the services Council will provide to minimise and manage these wastes. The Strategy will align with and support relevant objectives in the broader Council Plan 2017-2021.
The Strategy will establish aims, priorities and actions including consideration of our overall quantity of waste; examination of the types of materials in that waste; key waste management and resource recovery challenges. We will be informed by:
- Scanning the latest research and technologies
- Engagement with agencies and stakeholders in the industry
- Our community’s expectations and ideas.
The following challenges will be investigated in detail:
- Household collection of green organics, including food scraps. This will reduce the quantity of waste going to landfill. This may involve changing the frequency of collection of domestic waste bins to fortnightly, so a new green organics and food collection can occur weekly
- Multi-Unit developments - we will investigate options for collecting waste from units and how to improve recycling at these sites
- Our communication with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to improve participation in waste diversion from landfill
- Our future needs and options for waste disposal with the closure of landfill sites in the south east of Melbourne
- Introducing Best Practice in collections of hard rubbish and prunings
- Responding to increased community expectations for Council to use more environmentally sustainable waste management practices. A review will be undertaken of our operation of the Waste Transfer Station in Notting Hill, to ensure these services meet community expectations
- Control of dumped rubbish and litter throughout the municipality.
The final strategy will identify specific actions related to Council’s infrastructure, service provision and community education. The research undertaken for this strategy will also influence recommendations to Council about future arrangements for waste charges.